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Help! - "I'm new to Dooyeweerd. What should I read first?"

Depends what you want to do.

Dooyeweerdian philosophy is a network, not a linear sequence. Dooyeweerd was both critical and positive, carefully examining other thought from the ancient Greeks through to the mid twentieth century on the one hand, and proposing a bold alternative on the other. Where you start depends on who you are, what your interests are.

Want to Understand?
Why Bother?
Cautious / Critical?
Guided Reading for the Interested
  1. Browse the suite of aspects to get a feeling for Dooyeweerd's understanding of diversity.
  2. At same time, browse the wide variety of ways these aspects have been used in practice.

  3. More philosophical: Read about how aspects are more than categories.
  4. Read about multi-aspectual human functioning.
  5. Now browse various topics as you wish.
  6. Other related issues ...
  7. Knowing and Knowledge
  8. Dooyeweerd's Theory of Entities
  9. Dooyeweerd's Ground Motives and theory about them.
Guided Reading for the Cautious
  1. Read about Dooyeweerd's notion of Truth.
  2. Read about Dooyeweerd's view of Knowing, with some similarity to Foucault's Regimes of Truth.
  3. Read about Thinking: Theory and Practice, and how even analytical thinking is not absolute.
  4. Now you know Dooyeweerd's suite of aspects is not 'given', read about aspects in this light.
  5. Read about multi-aspectual human functioning.
  6. Now browse various topics as you wish.

Topics - What Does Dooyeweerd say on X?

See Overview, and in particular:

Where can I find Books, Articles?

See the Bibliography, which contains a growing list of references not only to Dooyeweerd's own writings, but also the writings of others in the Dooyeweerdian community, with suggestions of from where materials may be obtained. In the main, references to these articles will be made by hyperlinks from page text. But if there is no hyperlink, just click on Bibliography here and scroll down to find.

References to other material are usually found at the bottom of each page, usually hyperlinked within the page.

Structure of Pages

All pages on The Dooyeweerd Pages have a similar structure (see this page as an example):

Status of site

This site is growing - alive, even. It is an expression of a community's (and my own) growing understanding of Dooyeweerdian thinking, our exploration of it, and our use of it. See Purpose and Structure of Site.

The site contains:

I'm afraid you will find much overlap of material. An example is the ax.html page that explains the structure of the Aspects page; this page contains much material found elsewhere on the site. This is because the site was originally concerned only with Dooyeweerd's aspects, and parts of his wider theory that were relevant to aspects were very briefly explained in ax.html. But since then, the site's purpose has widened, and as it has grown, some parts of Dooyeweerd's theories have been included in pages as an explanation of other parts when, in fact, they should have pages in their own right. Over the course of time, these pages have been written but the initial explanatory material has remained.

If you find any confusion or contradiction, please refer first to the dates found at the foot of the page (which show the update history of each page): later writing is likely to be more valid than earlier where they contradict.

Browser Requirements

The site should work on any browser, at any resolution. Deliberately, I use simple html, and develop on an Amiga at low resolution, so that I am not tempted to assume any particular technical wizadry. No frames, no Javascript, few pictures unless necessary to illustrate or provide information (such as about the campaign below).


This is part of The Dooyeweerd Pages, which explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Questions or comments are very welcome.

Compiled by Andrew Basden. You may use this material subject to conditions.

Written on the Amiga with Protext.

Created: 3 March 2003. Last updated: 11 May 2005 made 'help' section more accessible; tables. 3 September 2009 'what want do' and labels. 22 August 2013 list of pointers from overview. 3 September 2015 corrected '../'; rid counter; new .nav. 22 Jan 2025 canon, bgc.