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Regimes of Truth

Lucas Introna gave three examples of different Regimes of Truth, based on Foucault's concept: science, business and church. It is part of a comparison between Post-Structuralism and Dooyeweerd. See also page on Michel Foucault and Dooyeweerd.

Science Business Church
Types of Discourse
(which is accepts and makes function as true)
e.g. defending a PhD, presenting a conference paper, publishing a paper in a peer reviewed journal, etc. e.g. Publishing the company's annual report, annual employment review, the AGM, etc. e.g. Delivering a sermon, administering sacraments, counselling a member of the church, etc.
Mechanisms and instances for distinguishing true from false statements. Review by appointed supervisor, scientific argument and proof. (Dis)agreements in viva. Using canonical texts or authority, etc. Review by auditors. Economic argument. Appealing to canonical texts (Harper, Porter, etc.) or consultants. Review of sermon by church elders. Use of canonical text for authority. Appealing to higher authority.
Means by which each is sanctioned. Examination by institutionally approved examiners. Public record. Conferment of degrees. Report presented to the board of directors, delivered at the AGM. Sermon delivered as part of liturgy. Linked to reading from Bible. "Thus says the Lord."
Techniques and Procedures accorded value in the acquisition of truth Scientific method, research method. General accepted accounting practices (GAAP), audit process, strategic planning, etc. Biblical exegesis. Interpretation of church edicts, etc.
The State of those charged with saying what counts as true. Supervisor must have PhD. Examiners must be recognised experts in their fields. Auditor must be accredited. Managing director acts ex officio on behalf of shareholders. etc. Must be a licensed minister of religion, and an appointed leader in a congregation.

Seems a bit like different aspects: analytic, economic, pistic. Could add legal institutions (juridical), social institutions (social), etc. Especially in that each aspect has a distinct epistemology.

This page, '', is part of a collection of pages that links to various thinkers, within The Dooyeweerd Pages, which explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Email questions or comments would be welcome.

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Copyright (c) at all dates below Andrew Basden. But you may use this material subject to conditions.

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