Analysis of Usage of The Dooyeweerd Pages
For the week 30 June - 7 July 2012
This page analyses accesses to The Dooyeweerd Pages, for a single week.
For the present I am making the results of analysis open.
It is intended that others will follow.
Overall Analysis, Week 30 June - 7 July 2012
Total number of accesses = 6515
Total number of accesses that were not bots, crawlers etc. ~= 877
Total number of queries during week = 430. Highlights:
- 29 requests for 14 different Dooyeweerdian topics
- 86 requests for 50 different general topics
- 55 requests for 20 non- Dooyeweerdian thinkers
- 230 direct requests for names aspects, especially physical, social, economic.
Total number of viable multiple accesses = 55.
Query Analysis
I now want to find out which kinds of queries have led to a Dooyeweerdian page, I have classified them into:
Specific Dooyeweerdian Topic Requested
These are Dooyeweerdian topics that have been asked for. Specific Dooyeweerdian topics are either where Dooyeweerd is mentioned in the query (except when comparing with an author, below), or where the words of the query seem to be 'jargon' that is most likely to come from Dooyeweerd. For example 'aspects' on its own would be Dooyeweerdian, while 'economic aspect of ...' would be a direct request for an aspect, below.
Non-Dooyeweerdian Topics (from the 'Mainstream')
The following are the topics asked for, which seem to be not specific to Dooyeweerd nor to religion. These topics indicate how useful it might be to draw people into seeing something of Dooyeweerd. The query text, or approximation, is given, followed by a number if more than one query of this kind, followed by the page(s) that the searchers found for the query.
- "structure of human acts": act.structure.html
- "abstraction in reality": abstraction.html
- ("discretionary account": aesthetic.html [probably wrong; should have been economic?])
- "distinction of critical thinking and logic": analytical.html
- "Aspects": aspects.html
- "epistemological irreducibility": aspectuality.html
- "Understanding information systems": Book
- "Aspects of economy", 2: economic.html
- "Economic aspect of the firms environment": economic.html
- "explain social and economic aspects of advertising related to profit": economic.html (This sounds like it was a student assessment question; a number of others under 'economic aspect' seemed to be like this.)
- "define self-giving love": ethical.html
- "Aspect of ethics", 2: ethical.html
- "Ethical aspects of negotiation", 2: ethical.html
- "Air traffic control room":
- "Quakers in business", "Quaker capitalism" etc., 10: quaker.capitalism.html ***
- "Meaning": existence.html
- "Scientific realism multicausality": bhaskar.html
- "Between observer and observed subject sociology": giddens.html [Should have been directed to a Dooyeweerd page directly]
- "("A different type of breakdown": ag.breakdown.html [Maybe an irrelevant hit, depending on what they meant by breakdown)
- "Organizations as instruments of domination", 2: org.metaphors
- "The political metaphor helps us understand power relationships": org.metaphors
- "Psychic prisons summary": org.metaphors
- "Types of pluralism", 8: pluralism.html [popular topic]
- "Most important aspect of pluralism": pluralism.html
- "Finite provinces of meaning": schutz.html
- "allusivity":
- "completely renews cells in seven years the pancreas in 24 hours": ideas.biotic.jones.html
- "categorical mistake summary": indiv.soc.html.html
- "juridical right": juridical.html
- "normativity", 2: normativity.html
- "critical realism and practical emancipation": bem.html paper
- "Knowledge Levels": levels/kl20f.html
- facebook superpoke, 2: papers/ufbg.html, superpoke.gif.
- "what are physical things": physical.html
- "meaning", "meaning images" 2, "photo meaning": being.meaning.gif
- "images": being.meaning.gif
- "aspects of sociology / social science", 3: social.html
- "aspects of social interaction", 3: social.html
- "word problem iniqualities [sic] involving work problem": social.html
- "meaning of intellectual aspect": social.html [why did this go to social, not analytical?]
- "situational propriety": social.html
- "types of thinking" and various similar, 12: thinking.html
- "thinking theory": thinking.html
- "apply general theories to specific situations is what type of thinking": thinking.html
- "isolate research and theory research": thinking.html [would have been better going to tc.html]
- ("theories of thanking": thinking.html [probably a wrongly selected page])
- "in critical thinking, What are the three kinds of implications that may be involved in any situation": thinking.html [sounds like a student exam question!]
- "aiding reflection in research": using.dooy.html
- "benefits of aspect oriented programming (aop)": aop.html
- "wedding vows all my worldly goods i share with you":
- "extreme philosophies", 2:
Christian or other religious topic
Another author mentioned, or an idea associated with them
- "Dooyeweerd + Whitehead", 5: Chapter II of book; parsons.html; sst complement.html, quantitative.html, thinking.html
- Latour, actant, ANT, 3: ant.html
- "Beyond Objectivism and Relativism"(Bernstein): bernstein.html
- Critical realism etc. / Bhaskar, 8: bhaskar.html [could be useful page]
- "Martin Buber": buber.html
- "Bunge ontology", 2: bunge.html
- E.A. Singer, 2: easinger.html
- "Giddens, signification structures": giddens.html
- "Hegel + Basden": act.structure.discn.html
- Heidegger, everyday, 2: hdg.rh.html
- Searle, 2 (social construction of reality, institutional facts): john.searle.html
- Morgan's organisational metaphors, 20: org.metaphors.html [a much-accessed page]
- "Scottish realism" (Reid): reid.csr.html
- "Regimes of truth" (Foucault): rot.html
- "Dooyeweerd + Spinoza": spinoza.html
- "human activity systems different from natural systems" (a concept within SST): sst comparison
- Uchiyama: uchiyama.html
- Vigotsky: vigotsky.html
- "Etienne Wenger": wenger.html
- "Petr Horavä": physical.html, because it has a section on Horava's reinterpretation of space and time.
Specific aspect asked for by name
This shows how many times each aspect was asked for by name, as "x aspect", where the aspect name is an adjective of 'aspect'. The number in brackets shows other requests that brought up this page, when it was delivered in response to another query, such as when the word 'aspects of X' is plural and the X is the aspect name (as in aspects of sociology).
Publications Directly Requested
In these requests, a paper or other publication is asked for by name.
Reflection on Queries
The Dooyeweerd Pages attracts a lot of queries not associated with Dooyeweerd, many of them asking for specific aspects, but also many other topics. This is a major opportunity for the Dooyeweerd Pages to introduce people to the work of Dooyeweerd.
However, we don't know whether what they read interests them and takes them further. That is what has to happen if the Pages are to fulfil this function. There is, unfortunately, no way to know how long someone reads a single page - especially reads it meaningfully and effectually. However, we can get some idea by analysis of multiple accesses. Also, multiple accesses by a single source indicate activity of moving around the Dooyeweerd Pages, which in turn suggests a degree of interest.
Multiple Access Analysis
Multiple accesses, of one page after another within a short time, might reflect particular interest in the Dooyeweerd Pages, and might indicate what people are interested in at a deeper level.
Method of analysis: Sort all accesses in source-URL and time order. Then go through (maually, but it could be automated) finding successive accesses with the same URL and day of access. Get rid of all the rest. Then examine these to find out:
- how long was spent on each page (time to next)
- the kind exploration, was it from one page to many others, or a linear sequence, etc>
- how the exploration began: with a query, an link from elsewhere, or something else
- anything specific about the exploration
This might cause us to remove some, because they do not seem to be a good pattern. Patterns rejected include:
- Where there is a sequence of accesses from a page to itself; these often occur on volcano.html and various others; not sure what is happening
- Where there are two accesses that seem identical except for the time - however it might indeed be valid, in that someone could simply re-click a query. Judgment must be used.
- When the accesses are on different days (and not around midnight) they are unlikely to be multiple accesses.
Total number of viable multiple accesses = 55
Total number of pages involved in multiple accesses = 188
Analysis of Pages Involved in Multiple Accesses
This is a table enables us to see the popularity and use of each page involved in a multiple access sequence.
Key to table:
'Total' = total accesses to this page in multis;
'First' = number where page is first in sequence, usually from a search query; This indicates which pages are useful entries to other pages from the outside world.
'Other' = number where not first; this might indicate which pages people find it useful to go to with a click.
'From' indicates where page reached from. If from another Dooyeweerd page, then name of page given. 'X' = from an external page. 'A' = from an external page that is an article. 'S-xx' = search (google, yahoo, etc.) from .xx country. 'Scom' = search from .com.
Pages involved in multiple accesses
First | Other
MAIN | 16 | 10 | 6 | (S-kr, S-uk=2, S-au, Scom=3, S-nl,, AOLR, redeemer=2; choi, ax, org.metaphors=2) |
abstraction | 1 | 1 | 0 | (MAIN) |
abzn | 2 | 0 | 2 | (MAIN) |
aest(h)etic | 3 | 1 | 2 | (; aspects) |
asp | 3 | 0 | 3 | (S-uk, Scom; aspects) |
asp.prose | 1 | 1 | 0 | (yahoo) |
aspects | 11 | 4 | 7 | (S-jp=3, S-uk=2, Scom=2, S-id; economic, social, using/asp) |
ax | 3 | 0 | 3 | (aspects, biotic, social) |
bibliography | 6 | 2 | 4 | (gm=3, tc=1) |
biotic | 2 | 0 | 2 | (org.metaphors=2) |
bk/... | 15 | 1 | 14 | (download) |
copyright | 1 | 0 | 1 | (org.metaphors) |
creator | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
ctc | 1 | 0 | 1 | (tc) |
d4p | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
divine | 2 | 0 | 2 | (cfr=2) |
dooy.xn | 3 | 0 | 3 | (MAIN) |
dynamism | 1 | 1 | 0 | (S-au) |
economic | 19 | 8 | 11 | (S-ph = 14 [1], Scom=4, X) |
ethical | 3 | 1 | 2 | (aspects=1; Scom=1) |
ethics | 3 | 0 | 3 | (MAIN=2; Scom=1) |
ext | 2 | 0 | 2 | (MAIN, org.metaphors) |
ext/frame.coppes | 1 | 0 | 1 | (dooy.xn) |
ext/giddens | 1 | 1 | 0 | (S-au) |
ext/parsons | 1 | 0 | 1 | (S-nl) |
ext/spinoza | 1 | 0 | 1 | (S-nl) |
ext/sst.complement | 2 | 1 | 1 | (Scom, S-nl) |
gm | 3 | 0 | 3 | (S-nl; MAIN, ground.motives) |
God.cosmos | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
ground.motives | 2 | 0 | 2 | (MAIN=2) |
hd | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
human | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
ideas/biotic.verbrugge | 1 | 0 | 1 | (biotic) |
juridical | 1 | 0 | 1 | (aspects) |
justification | 1 | 0 | 1 | (sst.complement) |
links | 1 | 1 | 0 | (Scom) |
other.suites | 1 | 0 | 1 | (aspects) [shows curiosity] |
papers/choi/.. | 7 | 2 | 5 | (Scom=3,; in choi=3) |
papers/jit | 1 | 0 | 1 | (-) |
papers/ufbg | 2 | 1 | 1 | (-) |
physical | 8 | 4 | 4 | (S-ph=7[1], Scom=1) |
pistic | 1 | 0 | 1 | (ext/giddens) |
quantitative | 1 | 0 | 1 | (S-nl) |
self | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
shalom | 1 | 0 | 1 | (Scom) |
social | 18 | 9 | 9 | (S-ph=15[1], Scom=3) |
spatial | 1 | 1 | 0 | (Scom) |
spirituality | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
story | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
talks/dyuos | 2 | 0 | 2 | (MAIN=2) |
tc | 1 | 0 | 1 | (S-ke) |
thinking | 1 | 0 | 1 | (S-nl) |
truth | 1 | 0 | 1 | (dynamism) |
using.dooy | 1 | 0 | 1 | (using/) |
using/ | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
using/aop | 1 | 1 | 0 | (S-uk) |
using/asp | 3 | 0 | 3 | (using/udp=3) |
uisng/computers/nop | 4 | 0 | 4 | (using/computers/=4) |
using/fairness | 1 | 0 | 1 | (MAIN) |
Note 1. The large numbers for these three aspects suggest a student class given a question "Discuss physical, social and economic aspects of ...". C.f. above in Query Analysis.
Pages That Lead To Others
The following table shows from which pages users went to others, so that we can tell which are the most 'fruitful' pages to generate movement.
Table Key:
Page = page on which user clicked a hyperlink to another page
Total goings = Number of such movements from this page
Go to = list of pages gone to from this page (with number of more than once)
Pages that lead to multiple accesses
Total goings
Go To
MAIN | 22 | | abstraction, abzn=2, creator, d4p, dooy.xn, ethics=2, ext/, gm, God.cosmos, ground.motives=2, hd, human, self, spirituality, story, summary, talks/dyuos/dooy.wmv, using/index, using/fairness |
aspects | 6 | | aesthetic, asp, ax, ethical, juridical, other.suites |
ax | 1 | | MAIN |
biotic | 2 | | ax, ideas/biotic.verbrugge |
bk/... | 12 | | bk=12 (mainly among individual chapters) |
cfr | 2 | | divine=2 |
dooy.xn | 1 | | ext/frame.coppes |
dynamism | 1 | | truth |
economic | 1 | | aspects |
ext/giddens | 1 | | pistic |
ext/org.metaphors | 5 | | biotic=2, copyright, ext/index, MAIN |
ext/sst.complement | 1 | | justification |
gm | 5 | | bibliography=3, summary=2, |
ground.motives | 1 | | gm |
papers/choi/.. | 4 | | MAIN, papers/choi/..=3 |
social | 1 | | aspects |
spatial | 1 | | ax |
tc | 2 | | bibliography, ctc |
using/ | 1 | | using.dooy |
using/aop | 1 | | aspects |
using/udp | 3 | | using/asp=3 |
using/computers/ | 4 | | using/computers/nop=4 |
This page is about The Dooyeweerd Pages site. The Dooyeweerd Pages explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Email questions or comments would be welcome.
Copyright (c) 2013 Andrew Basden. But you may use this material subject to conditions.
Number of visitors to these pages:
. Written on the Amiga and Protext.
Created: 22 December 2012
Last updated: 7 January 2013, 7 February 2013 more summary. 30 November 2013 slight rewording.