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______. "Dooyeweerd's Transcendental Critique: Transforming it Hermeneutically", unpublished article.
______. "The inner reformation of philosophy and science and the dialogue of Christian faith with a secular culture: a critical assessment of Dooyeweerd's transcendental critique of theoretical thought", Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century: Assessment and Perspective, edited by S. Griffioen and B. M. Balk.
Kampen: Kok, 1995, pp. 11-28.
______. Kan een Wetenschap(per) zich bekeren? Het perspectief voor wetenschap en samenleving in het denken van Jürgen Habermas en Herman Dooyeweerd [Can a science (scholar) be converted? The perspective for science and society in the thought of Jürgen Habermas en Herman Dooyeweerd]. Amsterdam: VU, 1989.
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______. Idols of our Time, Trans. by Mark Vander Vennen. Downers Grove: IVP, 1984.
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______. Kapitalisme en Vooruitgang: Een eigentijdse maatschappijkritiek [Capitalism and progress: a contemporary social critique]. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1982. The English translation is Capitalism & Progress: A diagnosis of western society, translated and edited by Josina Van Nuis Zylstra. Toronto and Grand Rapids: Wedge and Eerdmans, 1979.
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Grayson, J. Early Buddhism and Christianity in Korea. Leiden: Brill, 1985.
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______. "Communicatie als probleem. Een kritische vergelijking van enkele typen van wijsgerige apologetiek [Communication as problem. A critical comparison of some types of philosophical apologetics]", Radix, No. 3, 13 (1987), pp. 120-138.
______. "Dooyeweerd's programma voor the sociale wetenschap [Dooyeweerd's program for the social science]", HD, pp. 143-171.
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______. "In memory of Herman Dooyeweerd. Meaning, time and law", PR 43 (1978), pp. 130 -144.
______. "Grondmotiven van onze beschaving [Basic motives of our civilization]", PR 56 (1991), pp. 171-182.
______. Karl Marx: The Roots of His Thought. Assen/Amsterdam: Van Gorcum, 1976.
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______. ed. al. Bringing into Captivity Every Thought: Capita Selecta in the History of Christian Evaluation of Non-Christian philosophy. Lanham: University Press of America 1991.
______. Dialektiek der verlichting: een verkenning in het neo-marxisme van de Frankfurter Schule [Dialectic of the enlightenment: a survey in the neo-marxism of the Frankfurt School]. Assen/Amsterdam: Van Gorcum, 1976.
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______. Philosophien im Widerstreit: Zur Philosophie von Dilthey, Heidegger, James, Wittgenstein und Marcuse [Philosophies in conflict: concerning philosophy of Dilthey Heidegger, James, Wittgenstein and Marcuse]. Asslar: Schulte+Gerth, Riehen/Sweitz: Immanuel-Verlag, 1985.
______. Philosophische Kritik und Göttliche Offenbarung: Über Religionskritik, Kulturkritik, Gesellschaftskritik und Vernunftkritik im modernen Denken [Philosophical critique and divine revelation: over religious critique, cultural critique, social critique and critique of reason in modern thoughts]. Riehen/Sweitz: Immanuel-Verlag, 1991.
______. "Reformational Philosophy on the Boundary between the Past and the Future", PR 52 (1987), pp. 101-134. This article is later republished in Dutch as a revised and shortened form in Transformationele filosofie, pp. 207-220.
______. Tussen historisme en relativisme: Een studie over de dynamiek van het historisme en de wijsgerige ontwikkelingsgang van Ernst Troeltsch [Between historicism and relativism: a study on the dynamic of historicism and the philosophical development of Ernst Troeltsch]. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1970.
______. "Over verschuiving van normen en historische filosofie [On the transition of norms and historical philosophy]", PR 37 (1972), pp. 26-41.
______. "Een voorlopige standpuntbepaling t.a.v. de geschiedfilosofie van prof. dr. H.
Dooyeweerd [A temporary determination of standpoint concerning the philosophy of history of prof. dr. H. Dooyeweerd]", Correspondentiebladen van de Vereniging voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte [Correspondence papers of the Association for Calvinistic Philosophy] 29 (april, 1965), pp. 18-21.
______. "On Worldviews and Philosophy", Stained Glass, pp. 41-55.
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The Korean Buddhist Research Institute, The History and Culture of Buddhism in Korea.
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Legge, James. The Chinese Classics. 5 vols. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1966.
______. The Religions of China: Confucianism and Taoism described and compared with Christianity. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1880.
Macdonald, D.S. The Koreans: Contemporary Politics and Society, edited and revised by Donald N. Clark. Boulder: WestviewPress, 1996.
Malan, D.J. 'n Kritiese Studie van die Wysbegeerte van H.G. Stoker vanuit die Standpunt van H. Dooyeweerd [A critical study of the philosophy of H.G. Stoker from the standpoint of H. Dooyeweerd]. Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn, 1968.
Marlet, M.F.J. Grundlinien der kalvinistischen "Philosophie der Gesetzesidee" als christlicher Transzendentalphilosophie [Basic outlines of the Calvinistic "philosophy of the cosmonomic idea" as Christian transcendental philosophy]. Ph.D dissertation. München: Karl Zink Verlag, 1954.
______. "Theologische bezinning op de filosofie [Theological reflection on philosophy]", in P.
Schoonenberg, M.F.J. Marlet and B.A.M Barendse, De verhouding tussen theologie en wijsbegeerte [The relation between theology and philosophy]. Utrecht/Antwerpen: het Spectrum, 1956, pp. 15-27.
______. "Wijsbegeerte der wetsidee en thomistisch denken [Philosophy of the cosmonomic idea and the thomistic thought]", Perspectief, pp. 36-42.
McIntire, C.T. ed. The Legacy of Herman Dooyeweerd: Reflections on critical philosophy in the Christian tradition. Lanham: University Press of America, 1985.
Meijer, P.A. Socratisch schimmenspel: Socrates' plaats in de Griekse wijsbegeerte [Socratic shadow-show: Socrates' place in the Greek philosophy]. Amsterdam, 1974.
Min, K.B. The History of Korean Church. Seoul: CLSK, 1978.
Muller, A.C. "The Buddhist-Confucian Conflict in the Early Chosun and Kihwa's Syncretic Response: The Hyon chong non", an article presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Chicago, Nov. 20, 1994.
______. "The History and Development of Korean Buddhism: A Brief Overview." ______. "The Key Operative Concepts in Korean Buddhist Syncretic Philosophy: Interpenetration and Essence-Function in Weonhyo, Chinul and Kihwa", Bulletin of Toyo Gakuen University, No. 3, March 1995, pp. 33-48. Internet:
Palmer, S.J. Korea and Christianity: the problem of identification with tradition. Seoul: Hollym corporation, 1967.
Park, S.B. "Weonhyo's commentaries on the Awakening of Mahaayaana Faith", unpublished manuscript.
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Perspectief: Feestbundel van de jongeren bij het vijfentwintig jarig bestaan van de Vereniging voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte [Perspective: Festschrift of the youths by the twenty- five years' anniversary of the Association for Calvinistic philosophy], W.K. van Dijk J. Stellingwerff e.a. eds. Kampen: J.H. Kok, 1961.
Peursen, C.A. van. "Antwoord aan Dooyeweerd [Response to Dooyeweerd]", PR 26 (1961) pp. 189-200.
______. A book review of Dooyeweerd's NC in Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift [Dutch theological periodical] 14 (1959-1960), pp. 63-68.
______. "Enkele Critische Vragen in Margine Bij `A New Critique of Theoretical Thought' [A few critical questions in the margin with respect to `A New Critique of Theoretical Thought']", PR 24 (1959), pp. 160-168.
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______. "De calvinistische wijsbegeerte der wetsidee in gesprek met het thomisme" [The calvinistic philosophy of law-idea in dialogue with the Thomism]" in Studia Catholica 24 (1949), pp. 161-171.
______. "Christelijke philosophie in Katholieke en Calvinistische opvatting" [Christian philosophy in Catholic and Calvinistic view] in Studiën. Tijdschrift voor godsdienst, wetenschap en letteren [Studies. Periodical for religion, science and literatures], 67 (1935), pp. 85-99.
______. "Het natuur-genade-schema als religieus grondmotief der scholastieke wijsbegeerte" [The nature-grace-schema as religious ground motive of the scholastic philosophy]" in Studia Catholica 23 (1948), pp. 69-86.
______. Wijsbegeerte en Openbaring: Bibliotheek van de thomistische wijsbegeerte [Philosophy and revelation: Library of the thomistic philosophy]. Utrecht/Brussel: Het Spectrum, 1948.
Runia, D.T. "Dooyeweerd, Bos and the Grondmotief of Greek Culture", PR 54 (1989), pp.
Ryu, T.S. Hanguk Mukyoeui Yeksawa Koojo [The history and structure of Korean shamanism]. Seoul: Yonsei Univ. press, 1975.
Schuurman, E. Christenen in Babel [Christians in Babel]. Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 1983.
______. "A Confrontation with Technicism as the Spiritual Climate of the West" Westminster Theological Journal 58 (1996), pp. 63-84.
______. Geloven in wetenschap en techniek: Hoop voor de toekomst [Faith in science and technology: Hope for the future], Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn, 1998.
______. Perspectives on Technology and Culture. Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt Colleges Press 1995.
______. Reflections on the technological society. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation 1977.
______. Techniek en Toekomst: Confrontatie met wijsgerige beschouwingen. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1972. It is translated into English by Herbert Donald Morton with the title, Technology and the Future: a Philosophical Challenge. Toronto: Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1980.
______. Technik: middel of moloch?: Een christelijk-wijsgerige benadering van de crisis in de technisch-wetenscahppelijke cultuur [Technology: means or moloch?: a Christian- philosophical approach of the crisis in the technological-scientific cultuur]. Kampen: J.H.
Kok, 1977.
______. "The Technological culture between the times", Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century, pp. 185-200. This article is again published in Perspectives on Technology and Culture, pp. 131-151.
______. Tussen Technische Overmacht en Menselijke Onmacht: verantwoordelijkheid in een technische maatschappij [Between technological super-power and human inability: responsibility in a technological society]. Kampen: J.H. Kok, 1985.
Seerveld, C. "Dooyeweerd's Idea of `Historical Development'", Westminster Theological Journal 58 (1996), pp. 41-61.
A Short History of Korea, compiled by the centre for east Asian cultural studies. Tokyo: Kasai, 1964.
Sourcebook of Korean Civilization I and II, ed. by Peter H. Lee. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
Stafleu, M.D. "Analysis of Time in Modern Physics", PR 30 (1970), pp. 1-24.
Strauss, D.F.M. "An Analysis of the Structure of Analysis", PR 49 (1984), pp. 35-56.
______. Begrip en Idee [Concept and idea]. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1973.
Stellingwerff, J. De Vrije Universiteit na Kuyper: De Vrije Universiteit van 1905 tot 1955, een halve eeuw geestesgeschiedenis van een civitas academica. [The Free University after Kuyper: The Free University from 1905 to 1955, a half century history of spirit of a civitas academica]. Kampen: J.H. Kok, 1987.
______. D.H.Th. Vollenhoven (1892-1978): reformator der wijsbegeerte [D.H.Th.
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Stoker, H.G. Die Nuwere Wijsbegeerte aan die Vrije Universiteit [The new philosophy at the Free University]. Potchefstroom: Die Weste-drukkery, 1933.
______. Die Wysbegeerte van die Skeppingsidee [The philosophy of the idea of creation].
Pretoria: J.H. De Bussy, 1933.
______. "Moet ons die sedelike tot 'n funksie beperk? [Must we limit morality to a function?]", Koers 24 (1956), pp. 31-43.
______. Die Grond van die Sedelike [The ground of morality]. Stellenbosch: Pro Ecclesia -Drukkery, 1941.
Sun, C.S. and Park, C.K. eds. Aspects of Korean Culture. Seoul: Soodo Women's Teaching College Press, 1974.
Taljaard, J.A.L. "Die mens, die liefde en die sedelike [Man, love and morality]", Koers 23 (1956), pp. 295-318.
Transformationele filosofie: Cultuurpolitieke ideeën en de kracht van een inspiratie [Transformational philosophy: Cultural political ideas and the power of an inspiration] eds. R. van Woudenberg and S. Griffioen. Kampen: Kok Agora, 1995.
Van Til, C. "Response", Jerusalem and Athens: Critical Discussions on the Philosophy and Apologetic of Cornelius Van Til. Edited by E.R. Geehan. Netley: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1971, pp. 89-127.
Verburg, Marcel E. Herman Dooyeweerd: Leven en werk van een Nederlands christen- wijsgeer [Herman Dooyeweerd: The life and work of a Dutch christian-philosopher].
Baarn: Ten Have, 1989.
______. Herman Dooyeweerd: Grenzen van het theoretisch denken [Herman Dooyeweerd: Boundaries of the theoretical thought]. Baarn: Ambo, 1986.
Vlot, A. "Cultuur- en techniekfilosofie [Philosophy of culture and technology]", in R. van Woudenberg e.a. Kennis en werkelijkheid: tweede inleiding tot een christelijke filosofie [Knowledge and reality: the second introduction to a Christian philosophy].
Amsterdam: Buijten en Schipperheijn, Kampen: Kok, 1996, pp. 203-235.
Vollenhoven, D.H.Th. Het Calvinisme en de reformatie van de wijsbegeerte [Calvinism and the reformation of philosophy]. Amsterdam: Paris, 1933.
______. Isagoogè Philosophiae [Introduction to philosophy]. Amsterdam: Filosofisch Instituut Vrije Univsersiteit, 1967. _______. Problemen van de tijd in onze kring [Problems of time in our circle], an address held on March 29, 1968 for the circle Amsterdam of the Society for Calvinistic Philosophy.
De Vries, G.J. A review of Dooyeweerd's book Reformatie en Scholastiek in Hermeneus, 23 (1951-52), pp. 75-77.
Walraven, B.C.A. "Koreaanse gedaanten van de boeddha [Korean habits of Buddha]", Culturen 2 (1988) nr. 1, Amsterdam: Openbaar Kunstbezit [public possession of arts].
______. Muga: The Songs of Korean Shamanism, Ph.D dissertation, Leiden: Leiden Univ. 1985.
Woldring, H.E.S./Kuiper D.Th, Reformatorische Maatschappijkritiek: Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van sociale filosofie en sociologie in de kring van het Nederlandse protestantisme van de 19e eeuw tot heden [Reformational critique of society: Developments in the area of social philosophy and sociology in the circle of Dutch protestantism of the 19th century up to the present]. Kampen: J.H. Kok, 1980.
Wolters, A.M. Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985.
______. "On The Idea of Worldview and Its Relation to Philosophy", Stained Glass, pp. 14-25.
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Yoon, S.S. "Hanguk songnihakui jungaewa ge teukzing [The development and characteristic of Korean Neo-Confucianism]", Hangukui Sasang [Korean thought], ed. Yoon Sa-soon. Seoul: Yulumsa, 1988, pp. 34-47.
Yoon, Y.H. "The Role of Shamanism in Korean Culture", Koreana: Korean Cultural Heritage, Vol. II (thought and religion), ed. Kim Joung-win. Seoul: Korean Foundation, 1996, pp. 188-191.
Yun, S.B. Kidokkyowa Hanguk sasang [Christianity and Korean thought]. Seoul: Kidokkyosuhoe, 1964.
Zuidema, S.U. A book review of Marlet's dissertation, in Gereformeerd Theologisch Tijdschrift 55 (1955), pp. 122-126.
Prepared as part of The Dooyeweerd Pages web site by Andrew Basden 2002, with the kind permission of Yong-Joon Choi.
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