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Bibliography Related to Dooyeweerdian Thinking


Books containing writings by Herman Dooyeweerd

Dooyeweerd H. (1953-58), A New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Vol. I-IV, Paideia Press (1975 edition), Ontario.
Dooyeweerd's magnum opus, four volumes. It argues, step by step, both Dooyeweerd's critical and his positive philosophy. Sometimes not very easy to read, because of its painstaking argument, which discusses many other thinkers over the past 3000 years, but very rewarding of patience.

In 1969 published by the Presbyterian Publishing Company. From 1997 published by Mellen Press. From 2013, available online at the DUtch National Library for free, since Dooyeweerd's work is now considered to be among the top 100 works by Dutch writers. To download, go to: This work has four volumes, which are available online by clicking below:

A plain text version of each volume is available.

Dooyeweerd, H. (2012). Reformation and Scholasticism in Philosophy, Volume One. The Reformational Publishing Project and Paideia Press 404 pages $10.00 - Available @ - ** New 14 August 2012 **

This volume includes Dooyeweerd's detailed analysis of Greek thought up to Plato with an emphasis on the conflicting Ground-Motives of Matter and Form that animate this tradition. [summary from KJH]

Dooyeweerd H. (2012). Reformation and Scholasticism in Philosophy, Volume Three. The Reformational Publishing Project and Paideia Press 294 pages $8.00 - Available - ** New 14 August 2012 **

Part One of this volume includes Dooyeweerd's Philosophy of Nature including Enkaptic Structures, Molecular Structures, The Living Cell Body, Vitalism and Mechanism, while Part Two articulates Dooyeweerd's Philosophical Anthropology, including The Enkaptic Structural Whole of The Human Body, The Act Structure and The Soul, Creation and The Genesis of Man. This work still retains its value as a principial analysis of enkaptic interlacements in various types of entities and a must read for those interested in Dooyeweerd's anthropology. [summary from KJH]

Dooyeweerd H, (1935-36) De Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee, Three volumes.
The first version of Dooyeweerd's magnum opus, only in Dutch. It contains, among other things, Dooyeweerd's First Way of Critique of philosophical thought. It was critique of this First Way that led Dooyeweerd to seek a Second Way of Critique, which is found in NC above alongside the First Way.

Dooyeweerd H, (1975), In the twilight of Western thought.
Two editions: The first edition is the hardbound edition, published by the Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1960. It carries the Library of Congress CCN of LC 60-6645. The second edition most probably only exists in paperback published by The Craig Press, Nutley, New Jersey, 1980. This also carries the Library of Congress CCN of LC 60-6645, and additionally an ISBN of 0-934532-09-5.

Dooyeweerd H, (1979), Roots of Western culture; Pagan, Secular and Christian options, Wedge Publishing Company, Toronto, Canada. A good exposition of the ground motives.

Dooyeweerd H, (1986) A Christian Theory of Social Institutions, tr. Verbrugge M, The Herman Dooyeweerd Foundation, La Jolla, California, USA. An interesting attempt to account for the differences between various types of social institution by means of the aspects.

Dooyeweerd H, (1996) Christian Philosophy and the Meaning of History, Lewiston NY USA: Edwin Mellen Press.

A collection of four essays by Dooyeweerd that outlines his theory of history, which include:

Dooyeweerd H (1942). De leer van de mens in de Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee (The Doctrine of Man in the philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea). Sola Fide, 7(2), 1954 [?? - this is from Kalsbeek, p 288, 304].

Dooyeweerd's last article, written in 1975, translated by Dr. Friesen.

In this article, Dooyeweerd discusses the interpretation of the Gegenstand relationship by D.F.M. Strauss. See also Strauss' reply below. .

Books by Other Authors

Basden A. 2017. Foundations of Information Systems: Research and Practice. Routledge.
This work presents an holistic account of information systems and information technology today using Dooyeweerd's philosophy. Whereas Basden [2008] worked out how to employ Dooyeweerd's philosophy to understand ICT and IS, this book is arguably more important, in that it not only refines and updates those ideas but links them with fifty extant discourses in the field. It examines discourses in both technical and non-technical areas of the field (the nature of IT, ICT use, IT features, ICT development, and ICT and society), identifies their main issues, formulates a Dooyeweerdian view, and then uses that to engage with each discourse. In its final chapter it suggests over a hundred possible research projects that it would be fruitful to carry out, most of which are PhD-sized.

Zuidervaart L. 2016. Religion, Truth and Social Transformation. McGill-Queens University Press, Chicago, USA.

A collection of LZs writings on Reformational Philosophy as related to social issues and religion. Very good attempt to link Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven with mainstream thinking, but he introduces some major modification to Dooyeweerd's thought, especially in the order of aspects.

Strauss DFM. 2009. Philosophy, Discipline of the Disciplines. Paideia Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

In this important book, which seems to be a magnum opus, Danie Strauss presents a comprehensive view of philosophy that is based on Dooyeweerd's view augmented with the ideas of many other thinkers. It is somewhat dense and hard to read but well worth the effort.

Troost, A. (2012). WHAT IS REFORMATIONAL PHILOSOPHY? An Introduction to The Cosmonomic Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. The Reformational Publishing Project and Paideia Press. 388 pages $9.50 - Available

This new work by Andree Troost, (a close disciple of Prof. Dooyeweerd's) on the Philosophy of The Cosmonomic Idea is the clearest and most comprehensive Introduction presently available. It represents a series of lectures given to first year theological students in the Netherlands and therefore is highly sensitive to all the common theological objects raised against a "Christian Philosophy." This work will serve the beginning student very well while also broadening the perspective of the more seasoned scholar. [summary from KJH]

Bob Goudzwaard, (1979) Capitalism and Progress, A diagnosis of western society, translated and edited by Josina Van Nuis- Zijlstra, published by Wedge Publishing Foundation, Toronto ,Canada, and William B Eerdmans Publishing Cy, Grand Rapids, 1979.

Bob Goudzwaard. 1984. Idols of Our Time. IVP.

Examines the process of idolatry in the context of economy, technology, nationalism and revolution. An excellent wee volume written from the heart but presenting a coherent idea.

tv Walsh B J, Middleton J R, (1984), The Transforming Vision; Shaping a Christian World View, IVP, Downer's Grove, Illinois. ISBN 0-87784-973-0.

Based of Dooyeweerdian thinking, this book is a call for Christians to come out of 'religious' thinking and to see all of life as relevant to God.

Clouser R, (2005, 1991), The Myth of Religious Neutrality; An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories, University of Notre Dame Press.

An excellent introduction to Dooyeweerd's aspects and how they form the basis of the relationship between theory and practice, science and everyday thinking. Then, as the title suggests, showing how our basic presuppositions to which we commit ourselves affect even our so-called objective scientific thinking.

de Raadt J D R, (1991), Information and Managerial Wisdom, Pocatello, Idaho, Paradigm.

An application of a slightly maverick version of some Dooyeweerdian ideas to management.

Hart H. (1984), Understanding Our World; An Integral Ontology, University Press of America.

A thorough exposition of Dooyeweerdian ideas from the standpoint of wider movements in philosophy. Slow reading, but excellent.

Henderson R D, (1994), Illuminating Law; the construction of Herman Dooyeweerd's philosophy, Free University, Amsterdam.

The story of the development of Dooyeweerd's own thinking.

Kalsbeek (1975), Contours of a Christian Philsophy, Wedge Publishing Company, Toronto, Canada.

The standard overview-summary of Dooyeweerd's thought. A bit dated now, and some find it rather dogmatic. But very useful because it's almost the only broad overview available. Not too academic.

Marshall P, (1984) Thine is the Kingdom, Marshalls.

Based on Dooyeweerdian thinking, this is a reasoned call for Christians to get involved in politics of neither left nor right, but to forge a truly 'Christian' politics.

McIntire CT (1985) The Legacy of Herman Dooyeweerd: Reflections on critical philosophy in the Christian Tradition, University Press of America.

A collection of papers that explore, critique and comment on various parts of Dooyeweerd's thought; excellent reading if you can get it. The papers include:

Schuurman E, (1980), Technology and the Future: A Philosophical Challenge, Wedge Publishing, Toronto.

This is a very useful basis for a Dooyeweerdian approach to technology. Reviews philosophers of technology (optimists, pessimists) and proposes a new vision: The norms that guide the opening up of technology should not be those of the technical (formative) aspect ('technology for technology's sake') but should be those of other aspects. Despite being 1980, its message is still current and important.

Seerveld C, (1980), Rainbows for the Fallen World: Aesthetic Life and Artistic Task, Toronto Tuppence Press.

Exploring the aesthetic aspect and showing that it covers not just art but also fun.

Stafleu M D, (1987), Theories at Work - On the Structure and Functioning of Theories in Science, In Particular During the Copernican Revolution, University Press of America.

Explores what theories are and what the process of making and using theories is.

Pete Steen (ca. 1983) The Structure Of Herman Dooyeweerd's Thought, Toronto: Wedge Press, ISBN ISBN 0-88906-016-9. Pete Steen's PhD Thesis. Apparently available price $9.95 from .

Strauss DFM, Botting M (eds.) (2000) Contemporary Reflections on the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd, The Edwin Mellen Press.

A useful set of papers from current thinkers.

Strauss, D.F.M. (2006). Reintegrating Social Theory. Peter Lang.

An excellent discussion of social theory, with broad coverage of many flows of thinking in that field. It applies Dooyeweerdian critique to extant thinking, and shows how Dooyeweerd's ideas can bring about a reintegration of the field.

Strijbos S, Basden A (2006) Towards an Integrative Vision of Technology, Kluwer, New York.

Expected to be published in December 2005. A collection of chapters based on papers published by participants in the Centre for Philosophy, Technology and Social Systems, that applies Dooyeweerdian thought and Systems Thinking to a number of areas from the design of information technology through the usage of I.T. artifacts to the technological society. It is notable in that each chapter makes use of a different portion of Dooyeweerd's thinking and in a different manner, and so this work contains an interesting study of how Dooyeweerd's thought might be applied. The individual chapters include:
  • Ch. 1: S Strijbos, A. Basden, Introduction: In Search of an Integrative Vision of Technology
  • Ch. 2: A. Basden, Knowledge representation informed by aspects of everyday life
  • Ch. 3: B. Bergvall-Kåreborn, Reflecting on the use of the concept of qualifying function in systems design
  • Ch. 4: M. Winfield and A. Basden, Elicitation of highly interdisciplinary knowledge
  • Ch. 5: A. Mirijamdotter and B. Bergvall-Kåreborn, An appreciative critique and refinement of Checkland's Soft Systems Methodology
  • Ch. 6: S. Strijbos, The systems character of modern technology
  • Ch. 7: J. van der Stoep, Communication without bounds?
  • Ch. 8: J. van der Stoep, Norms of communication and the rise of the network society
  • Ch. 9: A. Vlug and J. van der Lei, Evaluation of human practices
  • Ch. 10: D.M. Eriksson, Multi-modal investigation of technology-aided human practice in business operations
  • Ch. 11: A. Basden, Towards an understanding of human practice involving information technology
  • Ch. 12: S. Strijbos, The idea of a systems ethics
  • Ch. 13: D.M. Eriksson, Normative sources of systems thinking: an inquiry into religious ground-motives of systems thinking paradigms
  • Ch. 14: S. Strijbos, TOWARDS A 'Disclosive systems thinking'
  • Ch. 15: G. Midgley, Reflections on the CPTS model of interdisciplinarity

Zuidervaart L (2004) "The great turning point: religion and rationality in Dooyeweerd's transcendental critique" Faith and Philosophy, January 2004.

Basden, A. (2008). Philosophical Frameworks for Understanding Information Systems. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA. ISBN 978-1-59904-036-3 (hard), 978-1-59904-038-7 (ebook).

An attempt to apply Dooyeweerd's ideas to the formulation of five strategic frameworks by which five major areas of research and practice in information technology and information systems could be understood (chapters IV to VIII). Chapters II and III are an extensive, systematic summary of Dooyeweerd's thought aimed at providing academic writers with sufficient breadth and depth of understanding to be able to use Dooyeweerd in their own fields and use this text in references.

Klapwijk, J. (2008) Purpose in the living world. Creation and emergent evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chaplin, J. (2011). Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society. University of Notre Dame Press.

"Herman Dooyeweerd was both deep and original. Much of his writing is an articulation of rather undeveloped lines of thought in his Dutch predecessor, Abraham Kuyper. In the course of his exposition, Chaplin effectively highlights Dooyeweerd's significance for a theory of civil society and for present-day social theory in general." Nicholas Wolterstorff.

Description: The twentieth-century Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977) left behind an impressive canon of philosophical works and has continued to influence a scholarly community in Europe and North America, which has extended, critiqued, and applied his thought in many academic fields. Jonathan Chaplin introduces Dooyeweerd for the first time to many English readers by critically expounding Dooyeweerd's social and political thought and by exhibiting its pertinence to contemporary civil society debates.

Chaplin begins by contextualizing Dooyeweerd's thought, first in relation to present-day debates and then in relation to the work of the Dutch philosopher Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920). Chaplin outlines the distinctive theory of historical and cultural development that serves as an essential backdrop to Dooyeweerd's substantive social philosophy; examines Dooyeweerd's notion of societal structural principles; and sets forth his complex classification of particular types of social structure and their various interrelationships. Chaplin provides a detailed examination of Dooyeweerd's theory of the state, its definitive nature, and its proper role vis-a-vis other elements of society. Dooyeweerd's contributions, Chaplin concludes, assist us in mapping the ways in which state and civil society should be related to achieve justice and the public good.


Web Sites and Similar Media

Videos and Audio Materials

Individual Papers

Zuidervaart L. 2004. "The Great Turning Point: Religion and Rationality in Dooyeweerd's Transcendental Critique" Faith and Philosophy 21, 65-89.

Ribeiro P.F., Pounder H, Verkerk M.J. (2012). Planning and designing smart grids: philosophical considerations. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Fall 2012, 34-43.

A paper in mainstream journal that shows very well how Dooyeweerd can be applied in ensuring that smart electricity grids are designed well. Summary in the Using Dooyeweerd section.

Baloch, FK, Cusack, B. (2011). Exploring the potential of Dooyeweerd's aspects and Critical Realism for evaluating robustness of ontology in information systems. Australian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) Proceedings, Paper 39. Download.

An interesting application of Dooyeweerd's aspects to expand critical realism's triple of real-actual-empirical, with Dooyeweerd's aspects.

A couple of articles recommended by Chris Gousmett on a Dooyeweerdian or reformational approach to maths. Counting, number concept and numerosity, by Anthony Tol, in Hearing and Doing, essays for Evan Runner. There is also the chapter on mathematics by Harro van Brummelen in Shaping School curriculum, a Biblical view. Sigma, 1977.

Ayy, H., Langevelde, V.AB., 2005. A Dooyeweerd-based approach to regional economic development, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. Agailable from Wiley Online Library, 2005.96.issue-2/issuetoc"96(2), pp. 184-198 [From Samira Atashi]

de Raadt J D R, (1996), "What the prophet and the philosopher told their nations: a multi-modal systems view of norms and civilisation", World Futures.

de Raadt J D R, (1996), "Faith and the normative foundation of systems science", Systems Practice.

de Raadt J D R, (1997), "Sketch for a humane operational research in a technological society", Systems Practice.

Klapwijk, J. (1991) "Epilogue: the idea of transformational philosophy". pp.247ff. in Klapwijk J, Griffioen S, Groenewoud G. (eds.) Bringing into Captivity Every Thought, University Press of America, Lanham.

Lombardi P.L. (2001) "Responsibilities towards the coming generations: forming a new creed", Urban Design Studies, 7:89-102.

Stafleu, M.D. (2000) "The idionomy of natural kinds and the biological concept of a species", Philosophia Reformata, 65(2):154-169.

Stalfeu, M.D. (2003). On aesthetically qualified characters and their mutual interlacements. Philosophia Reformata, 68(2), 137-147.

Stafleu, M.D. (2004). On the character of social communities, the state and the public domain. Philosophia Reformata, 69(2), 125-139.

Stafleu, M.D. (2005). The relation frame of keeping company; Reply to Andrew Basden. Philosophia Reformata, 70(2), 151-164.

Strauss, D.F.M. (1984). "An Analysis of the Structure of Analysis (The Gegenstand-relation in discussion)". Philosophia Reformata, 1984, Nr.1 pp.35-56)

Strijbos, S (2000), "Disclosive Systems Thinking", (refce to be found, but see also above).


Theses and Dissertations

Other Materials

John Kok's book, Patterns of the Western Mind (earlier versions were intended for student use only), is published by the Dordt College Press and is available through the Dordt College Bookstore (712-722-6420 or


Many of these publications are difficult to obtain through the normal channels.

In the U.K. many may be obtained from The Christian Studies Unit, 76 Waterside Way, Westfield, Radstock, Bath, BA3 3YQ, U.K. 01761-433217. Website.

The main publisher of Dooyeweerdian books is Mellen Press. They publish the New Critique, 'Roots', 'Twilight', and also Dooyeweerd's Legal works. These books are expensive, but on high quality paper and ink. However, purchasers may obtain a 60% reduction on prices by a one-time subscription of $50 to The Dooyeweerd Center at Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario.

A source of second-hand books is Tory Hoff's bookshop: dr hoff's Therapeutic Bibliotheca, 763 Sammon Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4C 2E6, "Specializing in used/antiquarian books in psychology, philosophy, and Christianity<", phone: 416-429-9767. Email, websites:,,

Geoff Bonggers ACHEA Australia has an outlet:

Dordt College Bookstore might help: or

Elsewhere, please inform me of where these can be obtained.

This is part of The Dooyeweerd Pages, which explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Questions or comments would be welcome.

Copyright (c) 2004 Andrew Basden. But you may use this material subject to conditions.

Number of visitors to these pages: Counter. Written on the Amiga with Protext.

Created: 1 August 1999. Last updated: 9 October 1999 added naming labels and Hart. 2 November 2000 added Tory Hoff's bookshop. 15 November 2000 two more from CL. 9 December 2000 Dordt College Bookstore and Steen. 27 April 2001 dst. 8 July 2002 Christian Th Soc Inst. 5 August 2002 new name label 'roots'. 18 September 2002 McIntyre/Legacy. 1 November 2002 labels for each of the chapters in Legacy. 20 November 2002 some papers added. 18 February 2003 added extra names, corrected McIntyre to McIntire. 3 March 2003 Added link to Mellen Press, .nav. 10 March 2003 CPMH. 25 July 2003 zuid04. 26 September 2003 crphd book+[a[ers. 16 April 2005 Strijbos+Basden ivt. 16 May 2005 added Glenn Friesen's site. 28 June 2005 wdw. 18 March 2008 corrected a comment, added ALR and Strauss, and books reordered. 6 November 2008 NC site. 9 January 2009 Philosophical Frameworks for Understanding Information Systems. 28 January 2009 Capitalism + Progress. 17 March 2009 doctrine of man. 5 January 2010 klapwijk 2008. 20 May 2010 stafleu. 17 November 2010 chaplin. 23 November 2010 Ayy&Langewelde. 15 August 2011 IJMAP. 20 August 2011 conferences and cpc2011 and cpts. 25 August 2011 eikipedia entries. 1 September 2011 youtube. 1 October 2011 cartoon. 11 April 2012 Nick Breems podcast on procrastination. 14 August 2012 3 books. 8 January 2013 links to JKASmith and LZ sites. 22 January 2013 ijmap link here. 14 April 2013 math articles. 16 April 2013 Ribeiro 12, correct Youtube url. 29 May 2013 Baloch11. 2 June 2013 dbnl text for NC. 17 October 2013 videos. 31 October 2013 contents at start, and websites placed after journals, link to PhilRef, IJMAP details moved to own page; separated video/audio from websites; minor name correction; theses, diss. 10 March 2015 gz idols. 11 March 2015 tidy up. 21 September 2017 fisrp, PDD, Zuid16. 6 August 2020 plain text version on bk/nc/.