Please let me know if any links do not work. Things keep on changing. Thanks.
Page not avidly maintained now; was when there were very few pages with Dooyeweerd.
- "New Critique; a website aiming to promote the magnum opus of the Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd" - this is a new site (1 September 2005) maintained by Paul Robinson. When it is fully constructed, the site will have a useful Study Guide for Dooyeweerd's New Critique.
- All of Life Redeemed - A 'reformational philosophy' website that has introductions to the thought of a number of reformational philosophers, and collections of papers and other publications from a growing list of current 'reformational' thinkers. It is an excellent source of discourse about Dooyeweerd and reformational philosophy in general.
- Dr. J. Glenn Friesen maintains a website of philosophy and religion, which includes a large section devoted to Dooyeweerd, Studies Relating to Herman Dooyeweerd. For study purposes, Dr. Friesen has provided a new hypertext translation of the following excerpts from Dooyeweerd's Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee:
Dr. Friesen's hypertext translation of Dooyeweerd has over 13,000
internal links, with links into his Glossary. An excellent site.
- Publications by James K.A. Smith
- Publications by Lambert Zuidervaart
- The Herman Dooyeweerd Foundation
- Purpose of Organisation: "Unfortunately, the dearth of English translations to date has been a major obstacle in allowing in depth study of Dooyeweerd's philosophy by a wide group of scholars worldwide. It is for this reason that the heirs of Dooyeweerd, with the help and advice from scholars conversant with his philosophy, have incorporated the Foundation for the specific purpose to translate and make ready for publication, his major works, and, eventually, his entire oeuvre." [excerpt from the above HDF page].
- The Dooyeweerd Center, based at Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada.
- Purpose: "The Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy is committed to making accessible the works of Herman Dooyeweerd and to further development of philosophical work shaped by Christian core beliefs." [excerpt from the above DC page].
- Address: Redeemer University College, 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4, Canada. Tel: (905)648-2139 x4268
- Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, Canada.
- Purpose: A graduate school, offering Doctorates and other degrees in topics informed by a framework based on Dooyeweerdian and other similar philosophy.
- Address: 229 College Street, Toronto, Canada.
- English language version of Dutch Association for Reformational Philosophy and some useful links therefrom.
- ReformationanWeb - Project to Compare Dooyeweerd's two major works : A New Critique of Theoretical Thought with WdW
- A useful explanation of Dooyeweerd by Mac user Dan Knight.
- Others to come. Please send me them.
- WYSOCS - West Yorkshire School of Christian Studies. A lively group furthering Christian and especially Reformational thinking, with regular meetings, weekends, parties, etc. An excellent website.
- The Center for Public Justice, Washington DC, USA.
- [intro to be supplied]
- Contact: Jim Skillen, "jim a t cpjustice d o t org"
- Charles Strohmer's Wisdom Project at Center for Public Justice.
- Eemlandhoeve - a farm that attempts to take a Dooyeweerdian view of sustainability.
Dooyeweerd Discussion Groups
Other Links
This is part of The Dooyeweerd Pages, which explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Questions or comments are very welcome.
Compiled by Andrew Basden. You may use this material subject to conditions.
Written on the Amiga with Protext.
Created: 10 August 2000.
Last updated: 30 January 2001 added article links, removed mailto. 7 February 2001 copyright, email. 6 April 2003 added some intros, the HDF, CPJ, Eemlandhoeve, rid links to articles cos we now have Choi's Dissertation on site. 13 August 2003 ReformationalWeb, 26 November 2003 Dan Knight's explan. 10 December 2003 link to Glenn Friesen's site. 30 January 2004 WYSOCS. 14 March 2004 corrected the wysocs link. 3 March 2005 Steve Bishop. 16 May 2005 better links to Glenn Friesen's site. 1 September 2005 newcritique site. 21 November 2005 unet. 3 January 2006 Thinknet. 20 May 2006 all of life redeemed. 28 September 2006 Roy C. 28 October 2006 moved AoLR to top; corrections to links. 9 November 2006 wisdom project. 8 January 2013 links to publications by JKASmith and LZ. 22 January 2013 ijmap. 18 March 2019 JGFriesen to wordpress. 30 Jan 2025 canon, bgc; disclaimer at start re not maintained.