Videos Featuring Dooyeweerd
This is a list of links to videos that feature Dooyeweerd. They include:
Talks by Herman Dooyeweerd (digitized from video or cine):
Short clips and videos explaining facets of Dooyeweerd's thinking:
- The Genius and Value of Dooyeweerd's Philosophy. Dooyeweerd's philosophy ( has radically different roots from most other philosophy. Doug Blomberg call his philosophy "genius", and Andrew Basden expands on its value esp when applied.
- Analysis Using Dooyeweerd Aspects and Ground-motives (Youtube) - This breaks in on a conversation in which a complex issue is analysed, that of governments and banks getting rid of paper records and the trust that goes with them. It is an excerpt from a seminar on Dooyeweerdian thinking given at the Toronto ICS in July 2013 by Prof. Andrew Basden. He variously employs Dooyeweerd's ground-motives to reveal why labels often hide rather than reveal, and Dooyeweerd's aspects to help reveal the multiple meanings hidden behind labels. (Aimed at analysts, and those who are interested in seeing how Dooyeweerd's philosophy can be applied.)
- Artificial Intelligence with Dooyeweerd (Youtube) - Can computers be like humans? A never0ending debate. Prof. Andrew Basden shows how Dooyeweerd's idea of ground-motives can reveal why the debate has never been resolved, and uses the CFR ground-motive can help resolve this question. (Aimed at AI researchers, and at those interested seeing how Dooyeweerd's philosophy can be applied.)
- Aspects of User Interface and HCI (Youtube) - Using a computer seems so complex! Prof. Andrew shows how Dooyeweerd's aspects can separate out the issues in a good user interface and human computer interaction. (Aimed at the HCI community, at general computer users, and at those interested seeing how Dooyeweerd's philosophy can be applied.)
- Dooyeweerdian Research at the University of Salford (Youtube) - a video clip explaining Andrew Basden's research for a University of Salford video, shot and edited by Nick Breems. (Aimed at general academic audience, and those interested in application of Dooyeweerd's philosophy.)
- Integrative Vision for Systems Thinking - presentation at OR61, the 61st conference of the Operations Research Society. Uses Dooyeweerd to understand all six major topics in systems thinking.
- Introduction to Dooyeweerd's Aspects - talk at Workshop on Multi-aspectual Digital Transformation, iConference, Sweden March 2020; 21 minutes.
- Introduction to Aspectual Analysis - ditto, just over 5 minutes
Longer Lectures, Talks, etc. About Dooyeweerd and Reformational Philosophy:
- What Is Research? from a Dooyeweerdian perspective? Quarter-hour talk by Prof. Andrew Basden at the WYSOCS conference 2012. Quite a useful summary with useful insights.
- Dooyeweerd's Conception of Societal Sphere Sovereignty, Part 1 (YouTube) - While Kuyper developed a theory of the sovereignty that spheres of society possess, Dooyeweerd developed a theory of the spheres that are sovereign. Gregory Baus gives a paper at the Abraham Kuyper Center 5th Conference on Sphere Sovereignty as he sees it informing financing education. This part contains the paper and a few questions. (Aimed at reformational thinkers.)
- Dooyeweerd's Conception of Societal Sphere Sovereignty, Part 2 (YouTube) - This contains the remaining questions to Gregory Baus' paper. (Aimed at reformational thinkers.)
- Podcast on using Dooyeweerd to understand Computer Procrastination. Why is it that, intending to spend 5 minutes, we end up spending hours checking our social networks or playing games on the computer? Timothy Pychyl interviews Nick Breems on computer procrastination. (size 33 Mb, about 1 hour Aimed at HCI and psychology communities.)
- 'Herman Dooyeweerd's Theory of Reality, a lecture by Roy Clouser to the Wrestlers' Class at National Presbyterian Church, Washington. On Divinity ideas, Reductionism, ground-motives, and other things. (Aimed at Christian believers.)
This page, "",
is part of The Dooyeweerd Pages, which explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Questions or comments are very welcome.
Compiled by Andrew Basden. You may use this material subject to conditions.
Written on the Amiga with Protext.
Created: 17 October 2013.
Last updated: 19 October 2013 added 'aimed at'; RoyClouser video supplied by Greg Baus; Dooyeweerdian research. 31 October 2013 genius/value. 4 August 2018 Youtube Research, new .end,.nav. 28 May 2020 talks from iconf and OR61. 31 Jan 2025 canon, bgc.