If God is mainly Power ... | If God is mainly Love ... |
Would he want to be blessed, | or would he want to bless? |
Would he want to be blessed | or would he want to bless others? |
Would he want to receive | or would he want to give? |
Would he create in order to have beings to rule over | or would he create in order to have being to love? |
Would he set those beings in a hierarchy of authority | or would he set the beings in a network of mutual interdependence? |
Would he want to keep secrets | or would he want to reveal? |
Would he remain aloof over his creation | or would he enter his creation? |
Would he want maintain his dignity | or would he want |
Would he want servants | or would he want friends and co-workers? |
Would he be impatient | or would he be patient? |
Would he uphold the law to its letter | or would he love mercy? |
Would he ... | or would he ... |
See also:
This page, "http://www.abxn.org/power.love.html", is offered to God as on-going work. Comments, queries welcome.
Copyright (c) Andrew Basden at all dates below. But you may use this material subject to certain conditions.
Part of his www.abxn.org pages, that open up discussion and exploration from a Christian ('xn') perspective. Written on the Amiga with Protext.
Created: 2002. Last updated: 13 July 2003. 21 October 2018 realised I had not uploaded it and it was unfinished. So finished it and uploaded it. 29 October 2024 canon, bgc.