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Bible Study on Our Role in Creation

This study was used at Main Street Community Church, 22 September 2009. It is being made available, so you can use it if you like. It consists of reading passages of Scripture and then discussing the questions that are set - we gave each passage to a different person to read. It is designed to be led by a leader who asks people to read a passage, poses the questions, allows suitable time for discussion, but without giving their own views, and moves people on from one question to the next. We took one hour to cover all but the final passages.

When a question says 'Quickly', this means the question is not meant intended to be discussed in depth, but only to 'orientate' those present towards this topic; usually the answer is obvious, and is here given in [square brackets]. What worked for us was to get the person who read the passage to quickly give this 'obvious' answer. The Study worked with allowing people to discover things for themselves from these passages in response to the questions, and accepting most of the comments made - but the leader might have to move people on.

A. The Place of Humanity in Creation

1. Read Genesis 1:25-28, Gen. 2:15.

2. Read Genesis 1:27.

3. Read Hosea 4:1-3.

B. God's Love

4. Read Psalm 145:8-10, Jonah 4:11, Psalm 36:6, John 3:16.

C. God's Salvation

5. Read Galatians 5:22-23.

6. Read Romans 8:1-3, 14-17, 19-21.

This page, URL= "", is part of the on-going work in developing a 'New View' in theology and practice that is appropriate to the days that are coming upon us. Comments, queries welcome by emailing

Compiled by Andrew Basden as part of his reflections from a Christian perspective. Copyright (c) Andrew Basden to latest date below, but you may use this material for almost any purpose, but subject to certain conditions.

Written on the Amiga with Protext in the style of classic HTML.

Created: 11 October 2009. Last updated: 19 Nov 2024 canon, bgc, new .end,.nav to rid u-net.