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Intuition - Insights from Herman Dooyeweerd

Intuition is knowledge that is not analytical. Some tacit knowledge (Polanyi) is intuition. This page has yet to be written =====. However, what follows is the Volume IV index entries for Dooyeweerd's discussions of intuition, so that readers might study Dooyeweerd's understanding of it for themselves. The four volumes of his New Critique, to which this an index, may be accessed online at:

A plain text version of each volume is available.

Index Entries for Intuition

This summarizes what Dooyeweerd said about intuition, extracted from Volume IV, the Index, of Dooyeweerd's New Critique of Theoretical Thought (NC) under that entry and 'intuitive knowledge'. I then themed them. For each one, I give the page and volume of where this is spoken about in NC. It contains Dooyeweerd's own ideas and View of Others.

Bold shows Dooyeweerd's ideas. Italics shows ideas of others that he is arguing against.

Introductory pieces

of the essense, Wesenschau in Husserl I:213 was a faculty of the cogito, the basis of all mathematical proof, in Locke I:270 and [the basis of all] feeling in Fichte I:444 [intuitive knowledge] is not found in theoretical metaphysics, according to Kant I:350 intellectual intuition, in Schelling's view I:471 according to Kant space and time are forms of intuition II:12,96 of original movement II:99 movement intuition needs no sensory perceptible system of reference, but requires its coherence with static space intuition II:100 # intuitive insight into retribution replaced by analogical concepts II:132 #

Immanence Philosophy's misconstrual of intuition

in Immanence Phil. intuition is either inner certainty or feeling or evidence of truth II:430 # intuition is the bottem layer of the logical function which is in continuous contact with all the aspects of our own reality II:473 # it exceeds the logic. function II:473 # it cannot be theoretically isolated II:473 # it is a cosmic intuition of time II:473 # cosmic intuition and selfhood, and cosmological consciousness of self II:473 # theoretical intuition II:473 # intuitive self-relextion on the modalities and theoretical synthesis II:474 # thee I-ness is the central point of reference in our cosmic experience II:474 intuition does not transcend time II:474 it remains at rest (in the naïve attitude) in the systasis of the datum II:474 Erleben and Hineinleben II:474 conscious Erleben is the temporal basic layer of all cognition II:475 # non-intuitive knowledge cannot exist II:475 #

Volkelt and the over-emphasis of the sensory

Volkelt contrasts logical necessity with intuitive certainty II:475 # he [Volkelt] thins he can analyse intuition psychologically II:476 he [Volkelt] has no insight in the subject-object relation II:476 # he [Volkelt] seems to hold logical intuition something radically different from moral, aesthetical and faith intuition II:476 # he [Volkelt] distinguishes two types of certainty II:477 # his [Volkelt's] definition of intuition II:477 # of experience II:477 his [Volkelt's] sensualism II:477 difference between experience and animal awareness of sensations [in Volkelt?] II:477 his [Volkelt's] Kantian prejudices II:477 Volkelt restricts experience to sensory impressions II:478 intuition enters into the cosmic stream of time II:478 objectivity II:478 # the sensory subj-obj. relation II:478 a sensory impression is intentional and objective II:478 a 'pure sensation' is an idle phantasm II:478

To do with intuition's role in theoretical thinking

intuition moves to and fro between theoretical analysis and Gegenstand to unite them in an inter-modal synthesis II:478 # t[h]rough intuition deepened thought is able to analyst the Gegenstand II:479 its reference to the religious root, in transcendental reflection II:479 intuition is a transcendental condition of the cognitive meaning synthesis II:479 # we can have an Idea, not a concept of it [intuition] II:479 # in theoretical thought our theoretic intuition is actualized in the synthesis of meaning as insight II:479 # a deepening of pre-theoretical intuition II:479 # the pre-theoretical and the consciousness of self II:479 sub-human creatures are extatically absorbed by their temporal existence II:480 man's selfhood enters enstatically into the temporal cosmic coherence II:480 intuition is not a mysterious non-logical faculty II:480 # Schelling's view of the intuition of men of genius II:480 'intellectual intuition' II:480


Bergson on intuition II:480 analytic thought is adaptation to biological matter [Bergson's view] II:480 science is merely technically useful to man II:480 intuition he [Bergson] calls an immediate subjective psychical empathy II:480 penetrating with intellectual sympathy into the durée II:481 Bergson psychologizes intuition II:481 his [Bergson's] 'fluid concepts' II:481 his [Bergson's] metaphusical absolutization II:482 # analysis cannot do without intuitive insight II:483 H. Poincaré II:483 mention of genius and intuition II:483 can they intuitively grasp a state of affairs without the aid of the analytical function? II:483 intuition and the instinct II:483 intuition of geniuses is not infallible II:483 it also has to distinguish and to identify logically II:483 the free direction of our attention to abstract modal states of affairs is typical for theoretical intuition II:483 Weierstrasz' discovery of the general theory of functions and intuition II:484 Riemann's contribution to this theory [of functions and intuition] II:484 theoretical intuition II:484 pre-theoretical intuition and analysis II:485 intuition in Riehl II:519 and thought in the cogito [in Riehl] II:519 intuitive [tacit?] and symbolical knowledge III:145

This page, "", is part of The Dooyeweerd Pages, which explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Questions or comments are very welcome.

Compiled by Andrew Basden. You may use this material subject to conditions.

Written on the Amiga with Protext, in the style of classic HTML.

Created: 29 September 2020 with intro and list but little else. Last updated: 22 Jan 2025 canon, bgc.