I have been closely involved in the teaching in the Information Technology Institute (now the I.S. Group of Salford Business School, Information Systems Institute) since 1987. I have taught a wide range of topics, as befits my interdisciplinary interests, ranging from highly technical subjects like databases and knowledge representation, through ethical issues of benefits and failure of information systems, to philosophical frameworks for human computer interaction.
1991 - 2019: Human Computer Interaction / Human Factors (also labelled Human Computer Interaction and Information, Rich Media, People and Computers). Second Year core U/G Full module, 60 to 150 students. When the course became elective, it attracted around 40 students; shared when elective. From 2012 - 2019 I have asked to give guest lectures in this module, to introduce students to Dooyeweerd's aspects.
Of note: (a) This employed a novel, integrative approach to helping students understand the various aspects of HCI. (b) At first employed Newell's Levels for this. (c) From around 2006, employed Dooyeweerd's aspects as the integrative core, as an Aspectual Engagements Framework (three 'levels' of engaging with technology, each employing Dooyeweerd's aspects to understand and relate the issues involved, as they are encountered in practical experience. (d) Presented using Scala on the Amiga computer rather than Powerpoint, partly in order to reinforce by demonstration that the various issues do not depend on the technology but are human-technology relationships. (e) Integrated HCI with multimedia.
1988-2002 (with breaks): Knowledge Based Systems. Second Year U/G Full lecture module, rising to 90 students in 1999.
Of note: Combined application normativity with technological detail, employing my own industrial experience as examples.1997-2000: Human Factors for Virtual Environments - a 10 credit module in the MSc in Virtual Environments of the University of Salford. Full 10 credits module, 10 students.
1993-2000 (with gaps): Knowledge Representation. Third Year U/G Full module, 40 students.
1990-2000: Supervision of Third Year U/G Dissertations, average three per year.
1997: Information Technology 1 - Course Notes and Multimedia scripts - for an innovative module for Department of Informatics and Systems Science, University of Luleå, Sweden, planned and delivered intensively April-May 1997. Double module, 20 credits, 40 students.
1995-96: Second Year U/G Lecture Course on Information and Knowledge Handling. Full module, 100 students.
1994: IGDS Course on Information Storage. Full module, approx 20 students.
1994: IGDS Course on Security of Information Systems. Shared (30%) module.
1993-1996 (approx): Multimedia. Third Year Full module, 80 to 90 students.
1992-93: Business Information Systems. Second Year U/G Full module, 70 students.
1988-92: Tools and Techniques for Building Information Systems (Artificial Intelligence). Third Year U/G on Full module, 60 students.
1987-92, 95-96: Second Year U/G Lecture Course on Storage and Retrieval of Information. Full module, 60 rising to 100 students.
Innovation: (a) Presented database normalization as intuitive rather than mathematical. (b) The presentation technique.
1990: Sound and Animation for the course on Visual Presentation of Information. Second Year U/G Lecture Part (10%) of module, 70 students.
1987: Undergraduate 'Solo Course' on Savoir Expert System toolkit.
Of note: (a) This was the first module in which Dooyeweerd's aspects and philosophy formed the foundational idea. (b) Dooyeweerd's aspects enabled me to bring in the hidden issues experienced in real-life development, of many of which I had had extensive experience. (c) Emphasis on responsibilities rather than just processes, techniques, theories or skills. (d) It proved highly popular with students, many from non-Western cultures.
2009 - 2012: Knowledge management. MSc module. 50 students approx.
Of note: As with the Key Issues module, I employed Dooyeweerd's philosophy of knowledge and Dooyeweerd's aspects as foundational understanding. This enabled students to understand how the many disparate issues in knowledge management may be seen as part of a coherent picture.
2009 - 2011: Towards Sustainable Business. MBA module. Three guest lectures on Business Ethics.
2003 -- 2011 except 09-10. Supervising Masters dissertations. up to 20 per year.
Of note: In many cases, these dissertations employed Dooyeweerd's philosophy as a conceptual framework, because students had been attracted by the ideas I had taught them.
1997-2006: Human Factors in Virtual Environments. Master of Science Full 10 credits masters module, 10 - 12 students.
1999-2000: Strategic Issues in Information Systems. Master of Science Course, 10 credits module shared (50%), 10 students.
1997-1999: Supervision of two 40-credit Master's Dissertations per year in the Centre for Virtual Environments.
1997-99: Team Project for Virtual Environments - 20 credit module in the MSc in Virtual Environments of the University of Salford. In this module I adopted the idea of Team Projects from the Information Systems Institute, and gradually adapted it to the needs of a one-year Master's course.
1993 approx: Information and Knowledge Handling. Master of Science Lecture Shared (50%) 10 credits module, 20 students.
1991-1997: Knowledge Based Systems and Decision Support, Master of Science intensive module. Shared (50%) 10 credits module, 12 to 20 students.
1990-96: Decision Support and Knowledge Based Systems. Master of Science Full 10 credits module, 120 students.
2010: Researcn methods and approaches
2004 - 2006: Philosophy in research
2014, 2015: Meaningful Research
These all employed Dooyeweerd's ideas, especially his radical understanding of the nature of theoretical thought and research as fully human activity in all its aspects, and which enables us to integrate apparently incommensurable extant approaches (e.g. positivist, interpretivist, socio-critical) into a single understanding.
Of note: This was a full international masters course, which was planned to the detail of module contents, based on Dooyeweerd's philosophy and systems thinking. It was offered to several universities, but never adopted because of financial and political difficulties.
===== To be completed
1999: External Quality Examiner for BSc Year 3 Top-up degree course at University of Central England, School of Computing.
2000: External assessor for twelve Masters Theses, University of Luleå, Sweden, Jan 2000.
2000: External assessor for Masters Theses, University of Luleå, Sweden, Dec 2000.
2001: External assessor for Masters Theses, University of Luleå, Sweden, Dec 2001.
===== To be completed
1998: External examiner for PhD at Exeter University, Dept. of Computer Science.
1999: Internal examiner for PhD 'Multi-Aspectual Approach to Urban Sustainability', Univ. Salford, Dept. of Surveying.
2002: Internal assessor for PhD on Sustainability in the Urban Environment.
===== To be completed
1983: "On the benefits and limitations of Expert Systems", invited tutorial lecture at the Management Tutorial of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems.
1984: There were sundry other invited lectures around this time of which I have lost the details.
1985: "Expert Systems and Appropriate Computing" invited lecture to the ICI company-wide Mathematics and Statistics Panel.
1986: "On the use of Expert Systems to handle corrosion knowledge", DeChema, Germany.
1986: "What is ICI doing in Expert Systems?" given to the Institution of Chemical Engineers.
1986: Member of panel on Methodologies for Building Expert Systems at Expert Systems 86, the Annual Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems. (Invited lecture.)
1986: Presentation of the RICS/Alvey project at Expert Systems 86, the Annual Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems.
1987: "An Expert Systems for setting a budget at an early stage" invited lecture at the Cost Modelling and Computers conference at University of Salford.
1987: "Industry and the Environment", Talk as Green Party representative to the Sixth Form Conference on Bangor University, 18-20th Sep 1987.
1987: (with P.S. Brandon) Presentation of the RICS/Alvey project at the Grand Meeting of Alvey Clubs, London.
1988: "Expert systems and quality control", Symposium on Quality Control and Quality Assurance in Paint and Allied Industries, May 1988, The Paint Research Association, Teddington, Middx, UK.
1988: "Expert Systems for construction cost estimating", Quality Assurance/Design '88, Institution of Chemical Engineers, 21-22 September, 1988.
1990: "Methodology for Expert Systems", invited lecture to the Leonardo User Group.
1990: "Research Directions in Knowledge Representation", invited British Computer Society SGES Evening Series lecture. London.
1992: "A study of Knowledge Based Systems in Use", invited lecture at DTI JFIT Technical Conference, University of Sussex, March 1992.
1993: "A Radical Re-appraisal of Intelligent Authoring and Information Systems", Invited Talk, presented at "Informing Technologies for the Construction Industry", Sep 1993, Brunel University, UK.
1993: Invited to shared panel with MPs and General Secretaries of Trades Unions at regional meeting on Railway Privatisation, 20th March 1993, in my role as representative of the Green Party.
1995: "Knowledge Based Systems and Dooyeweerdian Philosophy", University of Lulea, Sweden, April 1995.
1995: "Roles and Benefits in Artificial Intelligence", Department of Philosophy, Free University of Amsterdam, Nov. 1995.
1995: "The problem of transport", Local Agenda 21 Conference, Warrington Borough Council; .
1996: "Artificial Intelligence and Cosmonomic Philosophy", invited lecture at Free University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Philosophy, Sep. 1996.
1996: (Invited to give Key Lecture on the application of Dooyeweerdian thinking to information systems at INFORMS 1996, Barcelona, Spain, but unable to.)
1997: "Integration and Interdisciplinary Working", an invited seminar on Dooyeweerdian philosophy and its application to interdisciplinarity, to the Open University Knowledge Media Institute, March 1997.
1998: "Towards Proximal User Interfaces", invited lecture at City University, Feb 1998.
1998: "Normalisation - An Intuitive Approach", University of Lulea, Sweden, April 1998.
1998: "Towards the Knowledge Level of Data Storage", University of Lulea, Sweden, April 1998.
1998: "User Interfaces", University of Lulea, Sweden, April 1998.
1998: "Virtual Environments Systems and Applications", invited lecture to School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich, London.
1998: "Multi-Modal Theory of Information Systems" invited seminar at University of Tampere, Finland, 8-11 August, 1998.
1998: "Virtual Environments" invited seminar at University of Tampere, Finland, 8-11 August, 1998.
1998: "Knowledge Based Systems and Ill-Structured Knowledge", invited to give a tutorial seminar at Expert Systems '98, Dec 1998, Cambridge, UK.
1999: "Knowledge Based Systems and Ill-Structured Knowledge", Invited to give a seminar tutorial at Expert Systems '99, Dec 1999, Cambridge, UK.
2000: "KBS for DSS", invited lecture on the use of knowledge based systems for decision support at University of Luleå, Sweden, January 2000.
2001: "An introduction to Dooyeweerd's Philosophy", invited seminar to West Yorkshire School of Christian Studies (WYSOCS), October 2001.
2001: "The Means of Evaluating Information Technology", Invited Faculty Seminar, Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario, 22nd October 2001.
2001: "Getting the Most out of Information Systems: A Philosophical Approach", Invited Seminar, Brock University, Ontario, 23rd October 2001.
2001: "Christian Philosophy and Information Systems", Invited College Seminar, Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, 25th October 2001.
2001: "Christianity and Information Systems", Invited Talk, Chaplaincy, York University, Toronto, 25th October 2001.
2001: "Dooyeweerdian Philosophy and Christian Faith", Invited Lecture, La Jolla Presbyterian Church, La Jolla, California, 28th October 2001.
2002: "Diversity, Responsibility and Change in Information Handling", Invited lecture to Record Managers Association of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, 6th December, 2002.
2002: "All Things Complete in Christ", Invited Day Seminar, Faith and Action Trust, Wellington, New Zealand, 7th December, 2002.
2003: "Application of Dooyeweerd's Philosophy to Information Systems", Invited to give Seminar at Temple University Graduate Program, by invitation of Heinz Klein, 27th March 2003.
2003 - 2020: Many others
This page is a section of the Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Andrew Basden.
Copyright (c) Andrew Basden 2003.
Last updated: 19 December 2003. 30 April 2007. 5 March 2010. 29 January 2011. 3 February 2020 updated and rearranged. 13 February 2020 labels and more on Dooyeweerd. 15 February 2020corrected section numbers.