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A Rough Table of Concordance between Herman Dooyeweerd's
De Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee and
A New Critique of Theoretical Thought

by J. Glenn Friesen

Dooyeweerd's A New Critique of Theoretical Thought ['NC'] is not just a translation of his earlier De Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee ['WdW']. A concordance therefore cannot merely point to the equivalent page in the English translation. It is necessary to read and to compare the texts.

Despite the many differences between the two works, I am surprised at the consistency of Dooyeweerd's thought. The NC expands on the earlier work, but does not fundamentally change his ideas. Those who say that the WdW does not contain a transcendental critique are clearly wrong. The idea is already in the WdW, but the method is expanded or "sharpened" in the NC. And although the NC adds much concerning the idea of cosmic time, the idea of the supratemporal selfhood is already a key idea in the WdW. The NC also adds other information concerning contemporary philosophers.

Because of translation problems in the NC, and some omissions from the original, the WdW is essential for understanding some of Dooyeweerd's ideas. It is also essential in helping us to compare Dooyeweerd's ideas with the sources that he used.

WdW Vol. I NC Vol. I
v-xi (v-ix)
5 3
6 4
7 5
8 6
9 7
10 7-8
11 9
13 11
14 12
15 13
16 13
17 13
18-19 15
20 16
22-23 18-19
24 20
25 21
25-33 missing
34 22
35 23
36-38 (24),(27-28)
missing 22-69
39 (70-71)
missing 71-74
40-41 (75),
42-43 76-78
44 (79),
missing 80
45-46 (81-82),(86)
47-48 (83),
49 (84-85),
50 86
51-52 (86-88),
53 (88-90)
54-55 (91-92)
56-57 93
58-59 94-95
60-61 missing
62-63 (96-98)
64-67 99-102
68-70 103-104
71-73 (105-107)
74-76 108-110
77 (missing)
78-79 111
80 (114,115,117)
82-87 (118-124)
88-102 (125-137)
103-115 (138-148)
115-125 148-156
125-135 156-164
139-143 169-172
143-145 (172-173)
145 (missing)
missing 174-181
145-153 (182-189)
154 (191),
missing (191-193)
155 194
156-161 195-199
161-169 200-206
missing 207-215
170-177 216-222
178-195 223-240
195-203 240-247
203-207 247-252
208-217 252-261
218-228 262-271
228-238 271-279
238-249 280-288
249-263 289-300
263 (missing)
264-265 (301),
265-278 302-313
278-288 313-324
289-293 325-329
293-308 330-344
308-319 344-354
319-339 354-372
339-352 372-385
352-369 385-402
370-381 403-412
381-403 413-435
403-417 435-450
418-428 451-461
429-454 462-486
454-461 486-494
465-473 499-508
474-493 508-527
494-504 528-541
504-508 541-545
508-516 545-551
516-528 552-563
528-530 564-566
WdW Vol. II NC Vol. II
3-9 3-9
9-10 (9-10)
missing 11
11-13 12-14
missing 14-16
13-15 16-17
15-22 18-25
22-34 25-36
34-35 36-
missing 37
36-39 (38-39)
missing 39-42
39-47 42-49
47-52 49-54
53-55 55
55-60 (56-78)
60-65 79-83
missing 83-85
65-67 85-88
missing 88-90
67-73 90-95
missing 95-100
73-79 101-106
80-82 107-111
missing 111-117
82-84 (117-118)
missing 118-121
84-88 (122-129)
missing 129-135
88-94 135-140
94-96 140-141
96-97 (141-151)?
98-100 (151-158)?
100-104 158-163
104-106 missing
106-110 163-168
110-111 missing
112-125 169-180
126-139 181-192
139-142 192-195
142-146 (196-204)?
146-159 205-217
159-169 217-229
169-175 229-232
missing? 232-237
175-184 237-245
missing 245
185-187 (246-248)
188-191 Missing
missing? 249-259
191-196 259-266
196-212 Moved?
196-198 250?
199-214 268-284
214-218 284-285
missing 286-290
218-227 290-298
227-230 298-300
missing 300-303
230-249 303-319
249-259 319-330
260-269 331-337
269-276 337-344
missing 344
276-287 345-354
287-296 354-362
296-300 362-365
301-305 366-369
306-313 370-376
missing 376-382
313-317 383-386
317-337 386-404
337-342 405-413
343-347 414-417
347-354 417-423
354-356 423-426
359-364 429-433
364-365 433-435
366-382 435-450
382-392 450-459
392-398 460-465
399-401 466-468
401-402 missing
403 468-469
403-407 469-472
407-420 472-485
420-424 485-490
425-428 491-494
428-435 494-503
435-447 503-517
447-449 517-520
449-451 missing
451-468 520-536
468-473 536-541
474-482 542-551
482-491 552-559
491-497 560-565
498-518 565-582
518-527 583-592
527-534 592-598
WdW Vol. III NC Vol. III
v-ix missing
1-3 3-5
missing 5-7
3-8 7-14
8 missing?
missing 15-27
9-14 27-32
missing 32-34
14-16 34-36
16-17 missing
17-25 36-47
26-27 missing
27-32 47-52
33-42 53-61
42-47 61-67
48-53 (48-76)
53-64 (76-85,92-98)
missing 85-92
64-70 98-103
71-74 104-106
missing 106
74-77 106-109
77-97 109-128
97-116 128-143
116-122 143-148
122-128 149-153
132-135 157-186
135 missing
missing 186-192
135-138 192-194
138-139 missing
missing 194-201
139 (201),
missing 201-205
141-149 205-216
150-154 217-222
154-171 222-237
172-199 238-261
200-209 (262-266)
209-232 266-289
232-247 289-302
248-249 303-304
249-258 304-311
missing 311-312
258-291 312-342
291-295 342-345
295-319 346-367
missing 367-368
319-330 368-376
331-358 379-404
358-381 404-425
381-406 425-467
406-432 467-492
432-450 492-508
451-464 509-521
465-481 521-536
461-489 536-543
489-509 543-561
510-527 565-588
527-539 588-603
539-546 (603-624)
549-558 627-634
558-579 634-652
580-586 653-658
missing 658-659
586-588 659-660
missing 660-661
588-591 661-663
591-600 664-670
600-626 670-693
missing 694-781
627-630 (781-784)

Copyright (c) 2004 Glenn Friesen, and used with his kind permission (though edited by A.B.) as part of The Dooyeweerd Pages, which explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Questions or comments would be welcome.

Number of visitors to these pages: Counter. Written on the Amiga with Protext.

Created: 30 December 2004. Last updated: 30 Jan 2025 canon, bgc.