Recommended: Go to the new page on 'Knowing'.
This is an old page, with an initial and flawed attempt to identify how knowledge has many aspects, not just the theoretical one. It is flawed in that it mixes up what we can have knowledge of (e.g. of a person) with aspects of the process of knowing (e.g. psychical memory). However, we retain it here because it contains some material that has not been moved to the new page, which might still stimulate.
- Quantitative (to do with quantity, amount). Knowledge = measurement?
- Spatial (to do with continuous extension, space) Knowledge = (not sure).
- Kinematic (to do with movement; flowing movement) Knowledge = (not sure).
- Physical (to do with energy + mass). Knowledge = the fact that things stay in the state they were in until some physical force acts on them.
- Biotic (to do with life functions) Knowledge = the way things have grown.
- Sensitive (to do with sense, feeling, emotion) Knowledge = receiving stimuli and holding a memory of them.
- Analytical (to do with distinguishing ) Knowledge = making distinctions between things, and also making deductions from those distinctions.
- Formative (to do with history, culture, technology: shaping and creativity) Knowledge = skills: knowing how to achieve things.
- Lingual (to do with symbolic communication) Knowledge = stuff set down in symbolic form; 'aboutness', also including tacit or cultural connotations.
- Social (to do with social interaction) Knowledge = knowing a person.
- Economic (to do with frugal use of resources) Knowledge = having a 'nose' for frugality and resource management?
- Aesthetic (to do with harmony, surprise, fun) Knowledge = a sense of harmony and aesthetics.
- Juridical (to do with what is due; 'retribution', rights and responsibilities) Knowledge = an informed sense of justice, and an informed sense of the essence of things.
- Ethical (to do with self-giving love) Knowledge = a complete knowing of the other person? Hebrew in Genesis 4:1 "he-knew" for have intercourse with.
- Pistic (to do with vision, aspiration, commitment, creed, religion) Knowledge = certainty: commitment to a belief.
This is part of The Dooyeweerd Pages, which explain, explore and discuss Dooyeweerd's interesting philosophy. Questions or comments are very welcome.
Compiled by Andrew Basden. You may use this material subject to conditions.
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. Written on the Amiga and Protext.
Last updated: Created 17 July 2001. 3 March 2003 link to knowing.html, this page name changed to kg.types.html. 14 March 2004 links corrected. 21 November 2005 unets; certainty.