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Solving Problems

After the end of the Second World War, Churchill, Truman and Stalin met. Truman suggested to Churchill that they gang up against Stalin, but Churchill refused, having seen his mission as merely to resist Nazism. He tried to solve one problem, Nazism, but let an even greater one, Communism, gain hold. By the West, at least, Communism was then seen as the problem. Forty years later, when Communism had fallen, the Western powers put pressure on Russia to change over-rapidly to a free market economy. And the result: a gangster economy.

This page collects instances of where humankind has seen a (major) problem and tries to solve it, but fails in the end. Mostly, the recognised problem is ameliorated, but a greater problem then takes its place. The causes of failure are several, such as having too narrow a view, being unable to see changes in circumstances, going about things in a wrong way, having hidden agendas, cowardice, unwillingness to go the whole way, or just plain old idolatry.

It is companion to the page which collects instances of where humankind makes problems without trying to solve them. Both pages are part of some personal research into the long-standing Christian doctrine of 'Original Sin'. It looks at 'original sin', not as a doctrine but as a human condition, not theologically but anthopologically. The quotation that can sum up the theme of this page is:

"All our righteousnesses [attempts to do good, to solve problems] are as filthy rags."

Comments, queries, suggestions are welcomed.

This page has been superceded by God's Ways Work; Human Ways Don't.

This page, "", is offered to God as on-going work. Comments, queries welcome.

Copyright (c) Andrew Basden at all dates below. But you may use this material subject to certain conditions.

Part of his pages, that open up discussion and exploration from a Christian ('xn') perspective. Written on the Amiga with Protext.

Created: 19 September 1998. Last updated: 11 February 2018 Found this page unfinished. So added to it, with .end, .nav, and pointed it to gweg.