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Some Dangers of the New View

Every movement of thought or people incurs some dangers. This page reviews some of the possible dangers of the New View in Theology.

page just begun; will be added to.

Danger of acting ahead of (without) God

About George Müller: "It was his life-motto to learn the will of God before undertaking anything, and to wait till it is clear, because only so can one either be blessed in his own soul or prospered in the work of his hands" [A.T.Pierson, George Müller of Bristol]. But under the New View and especially under dimensions 2 and 3 of Three Dimensional Salvation, we are called upon to act and decide, once filled with the Spirit. That might tend to move us towards independence from God. George Müller achieved much more for God, in a New View sense than many. So, perhaps we should learn from him. Certainly, our proactive attitude should always be in full dependence upon God.

Danger of Becoming a Theology of Here-and-Now

If God is concerned with the whole of life, and wants his creation to 'work', and wants his people to be the light and salt that helps to make life here and now better, is there not a danger that New View deteriorates to a theology of the here-and-now? A way to having a nice life now?

This danger is exacerbated by the need to emphasise the here-and-now owing to the denigration of it in most current Bible-believing Christianity.

The root of this danger: Assuming that God serves our interests rather than we serving his, that God is a kindly grandfather/mother who will just pat us on the head and make things nice-n-easy for us.

How to overcome the danger:

Danger of becoming Secularist

Danger of becoming 'New Age'

Danger of becoming Reconstructionist

Danger of Deterioration

For now, see the Deterioration section in the page of Movements.

These pages present 'New View' theology. Comments, queries welcome.

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Copyright (c) Andrew Basden 2008-4, but you may copy this page as long as every copy includes this full copyright notice, and the copying is not for financial gain.

Created: 11 June 2008. Last updated: 15 December 2011 G Müller. 26 September 2012 link to movements#deteriorate.