In the churches, there is very little teaching on any of them. Probably, this is because the theological treatment of any or all of them is still too weak and uncompelling. We do not even know what the theological issues are in each area, or know only partial sets of issues.
The challenge we face as Christians is:
How should we stimulate active exploration of issues
in all three areas?
How should we stimulate discourse
between those involved in different areas?
It might be an answer to refrain from killing and merely transport the individuals to places where they are appropriate. Some will protest at the costs of doing this, but I ignore those protests because history shows us that when we do the right thing, even against received financial indicators, then things flourish in ways we did not expect. It is as though God had woven into the fabric of creation many surprises that await those who risk doing the right thing. (See 'God's Ways Work'.)
However, that does not solve our problem. We still need a sound understanding of the three areas - their issues and the basis of their importance - and of the relationships between them. We need a basis for approaching this.
Instead, I prefer to think differently. Perhaps the principles of what I have so far called the 'New View' will help us. They are:
For example, it might be that trees 'clap their hands' when they experience their loving Creator, but what does this mean, and what (if any) is the equivalent rejoicing for species and ecosystems?Convesely, we could ask the negative question: Would reality as a whole rejoice if we sacrificed or ignored any of the three in favour of the others?
It is, perhaps, easy to see what shepherding of individuals is, but what of species or ecosystems? Would good management of ecosystems be construed as good shepherding?It might be better to see shepherding as developing the potential that God has placed there in creation (an extension that makes sense within the humanities as well as the natural sciences) - of individuals, of species, of ecosystems.
For the 'between' question, we might answer, for example, an ecosystem is the set of connections among individuals of different species - but I feel that such an equation is just too neat to be worth anything.We need to work out functional as well as metaphysical connections. Also, perhaps we might address questions of Fall: in what way might individuals (or the relationships between them), species (of relationships between them) or ecosystems (ditto), and the relationship any of them with us, be 'fallen'? However, I believe it would be more fruitful to focus more on the positive (What God intended) than on the negative.
I have suggested in Representing God that it involves showing and acting God's full character, including his self-giving love. Giving our life for a species? For individual animals? These have been done.Conversely, to find how the importance of each, we could ask: If we were to sacrifice one for others, is this in line with the character of God, whom we are meant to represent (image)? If we were to ignore species, for example, would individuals or ecosystems genuinely 'experience' something of God via us doing that, or would they experience terror and evil?
These questions are more precise than questions of trying to balance value, and they are also more varied, so that they offer the chance of what some researchers in the social sciences call 'triangulation'.
Note: the questions are intended to help us think through what God intended, before trying to make sense of what actually occurs at present (with the evil mixed with good). If we consider the latter first, we are left rudderless in the ocean; the former is our rudder and compass.
Let me end with what Gus Speth once said,
"I used to think the top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. ...
I was wrong.
The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy
- and to deal with these, we need a spiritual and cultural transformation ..." [1]
Much of the debate, and much Christian disinterest in these issues, is predicated on our living for ourselves rather than fulfilling our mandate to be good shepherds. Did not Jesus call us to 'lose' our lives for his sake and the sake of the Father's kingdom?
Note 1. Gus Speth, Common Cause Newsletter.
This page is offered to God as on-going work in developing a 'New View' in theology that is appropriate to the days that are coming upon us. Comments, queries welcome.
Copyright (c) Andrew Basden to latest date below, but you may use this material subject to certain conditions.
Written on the Amiga with Protext.
Created: 14 October 2015 quickly after David Clough's talk. Last updated: 15 October 2015 extended the questions. 26 September 2024 canon, bgc.