On this page we collect a number of examples of people discovering the efficacy of things and happenings around them and using them for good purposes, to enrich human life and even the Creation itself. If you have any examples to add, or comments on the ones presented, please email me.
Living trees support mechanical railway. Living in harmony with the willow part of creation!
Someone, by their curiosity and sensitivity, responded to what nature was doing. Living in harmony with the germ part of creation!
Fleming warned that it should be used with care, less the germs became "educated" about it and became resistant. We did not use it with care, and now are faced with major problems of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Later, Corrie realised that the German guards never entered the centre of where the prisoners were kept, because of the fleas there. This meant that those in the centre could carry on private conversations without being overheard. Corrie began to give thanks even for fleas.
Fleas are part of God's creation, and even they can be a blessing! Living in harmony with the flea part of God's creation!
Read the whole story, and much else, in The Hiding Place, by Corrie Ten Boom.
However, it started to become noticed that wounds with maggots healed better and more cleanly. The maggots were eating the dead and gangrenous material, and leaving the living flesh mainly alone. Now, some medical practitioners advocate maggots. Not all things that seem revolting, visually, are bad.
Living in harmony with the maggot part of God's creation!
Why do we go for technical solutions when natural ones work well?
But we do need to keep our minds open!
This page, "http://abxn.org/creation.harmony.html", is offered to God as on-going work. Comments, queries welcome.
Copyright (c) Andrew Basden at all dates below. But you may use this material subject to certain conditions.
Part of his www.abxn.org pages, that open up discussion and exploration from a Christian ('xn') perspective. Written on the Amiga with Protext.
Created: 26 October 1998. Last updated: 11 February 2018 Found this page unfinished; finished it, with .end, .nav, and uploaded it.