Stop Press! The U.K. Charity Commission has ordered the Global Warming Policy Foundation, founded by Nigel Lawson as a 'charity' to promote a climate-skeptic point of view, to split in two. Under British law, no charity can involve itself in political action, but GWPF did so, disingenuously. 16 July 2014
I am perhaps what Nigel Lawson calls a climate alarmist, in his book An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming (2008, Duckworth Press.). He is what I would call a climate skeptic. Liking to hear an opposite point of view, I read his book hoping to learn something or discover weaknesses in my position. Sadly, I found very little useful material, but much weak argument, partiality, narrowed views, misunderstandings and emotional wording. Briefly,
Entitled 'An Appeal to Reason', it proved to be nothing of the sort!
This page is a review of Nigel Lawson's book:
This page does not try to argue the case for climate concern, except where necessary; it merely shows that Lawson's argument is weak and almost valueless. For those who want an excellent treatment of the science of climate change, see Sir John Houghton's responses to Lawson. In reading the book I took into account the whole human condition, not just the science. I trust it is useful in this role.
Andrew Basden.
Nigel Lawson: Personally Responsible?
It may be that Nigel Lawson can personally bear major responsibility for the climate damage that has been occurring. In January 2020 (see link below), it was revealed that Margaret Thatcher, UK Conservative Prime Minister during the 1980s and early 1990s, had proposed radical policies to curb greenhouse emissions. As a scientist, she had become convinced of the realities and dangers of increasing emissions of greenhouse gases and, with her Methodist background, she believed that humanity had a responsibility on this earth like that of a tenant with a full repair lease, and she wanted global action. In a speech to the Royal Society in 1988,
"she indicated that any thinking industrial country now had to look at its policies on energy, agriculture and a whole heap of industrial questions if they were going to address the greenhouse effect properly. Radical indeed, but not as radical as what was struck out of the draft of that speech by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nigal Lawson. What would have happened, had those two policies been enacted and become effective since then, right through the 1990s, 2002 and 2010? Even if only partially so. It is most likely that the world today would be very different, with very much less climate change and the resultant droughts, storms, floods and fires that have increased in both severity and frequency since then, killing many people as well as devastating wildlife and habitats. Nigel Lawson insisted they be struck out, and they were. Should he not be held partly personally responsible for the deaths and damage that have resulted from that insistence? For the whole episode of Green Originals Friday 17th January 2020, see ""
Chapter 1. 'The Science - and the History'.
Message: We cannot be certain that global warming is happening.
The science of global warming is not 'settled'; the models and data are not to be trusted. Need observations. Belief in climate change is part of a political conspiracy of political correctness. Jump direct to points. Direct to comments.Response: Does Lawson really understand the nature of science?
Chapter 2. 'The Next Hundred Years: How Warm? How Bad?'
Message: Global warming is unlikely to happen and even if it does, it won't be very bad.
Prediction of outcomes of global warming is fraught with uncertainty. Models are incomplete. The problems claimed for global warming (water, food, coasts, species extinctions, and health) either won't happen, or are not linked to it. Even if these problems occur, we'll all still be much better off in 100 years than now (Lawson's simplified economic prediction). So we need not worry about possible impacts of global warming. Jump direct to points. Direct to comments.Response: Is it really appropriate to demand absolute certainty of prediction before we act? Rather, should not our actions be guided by wisdom and responsibility?
Chapter 3. 'The Importance of Adaptation'.
Message: We need not try to prevent global warming because we will all adapt.
The IPCC analysis underestimates the possibility that we can adapt to global warming. The Stern Review is even worse. Adaptation is better than mitigation (acting to prevent CC). Also, since we will all be better off, we'll be better able to afford adaptation. Therefore we need not pay too much attention to preventing global warming. Jump direct to points. Direct to comments.Response: OK for the more prosperous nations. But how will poorer peoples, fauna and flora be able to adapt?
Chapter 4. 'Apocalypse and Armageddon'.
Message: The major planetary problems and tipping points either will not occur, or are nothing to do with global warming.
If you look at the ten worst hurricanes, increase in hurricanes is not happening. No single hurricane can be attributed to global warming. The Greenland and Antarctic ice are not melting much. The Gulf Stream will not stop. Ignore tipping points. Jump direct to points. Direct to comments.Response: But is Lawson really looking at the whole picture? Does he really understand tipping points?
Chapter 5. 'A Global Agreement?'
Message: International agreement to reduce climate change emissions is unlikely. Even if we get agreement, making it work will be impossible.
China is growing rapidly and increasing its CO2 emissions, as it becomes the "factory of the world" [p.56] from where we obtain our material goods. Similarly India. In effect, we have outsourced our own CCEs. Both China and India subsidise the cost of energy. The West will not be prepared to pay the cost of China's mitigation measures (e.g. carbon capture). India, China and the United States are against agreements to cut climate change emissions. Europe is isolated. Jump direct to points. Direct to comments.Response: Should I not do right even when those around me are doing wrong? Does good example count for absolutely nothing?
Chapter 6. 'The Cost of Mitigation'.
Message: We should not call upon people today to pay the cost of mitigating global warming.
Cost of mitigating global warming is difficult to estimate, but it will be "very costly". IPCC estimates in range 1-5% of global GDP. We would have to radically change the way we live (a political cost). Especially in energy terms. The cost would fall more on us richer people. We should not require today's people to bear this cost ("sacrifice"). Jump direct to points. Direct to comments.Response: Surely we in the richer parts of the world can afford a mere 5% reduction in our living standards today? Surely we have the courage and ability to change our lifestyles?
Chapter 7. 'Discounting the Future: Ethics, Risk and Uncertainty'.
Message: Since it is far in the future, we need not - and indeed should not - do anything to mitigate global warming.
If we think in financial terms, should we pay costs now of future possible global warming? No: because we must discount future costs of it happening. No: because we should treat the needs of future generations as less important than our own. No: because it's good to take risks. No: there are several possible future catastrophes of which "runaway global warming" is only one. So it's "plainly absurd" to do anything about global warming now. Jump direct to points. Direct to comments.Response: Is not this like saying "Let others later pay our debts"? Is this not similar to the thinking that led to the recent collapse in world economies? Should we not take responsibility for the damage we ourselves have been doing?
Chapter 8. 'Summary and Conclusion: A Convenient Religion'.
Message: Concern for climate change is a religion, which some politicians use to bolster their power and status.
After summarising his chapters, he suggests investment in new technologies that might counter global warming if it occurs, and a carbon tax that is optional. Climate concern is a religion. Politicians use it to get power and deference. Jump direct to points. Direct to comments.Response: Is not climate-skepticism just as much a religion as climate-concern? Are they not both ideological commitments? Is not Lawson enjoying the power and deference by his leadership position in the climate-skeptic movement that he accuses the politicians of?
Overall Response: Human beings are inescapably religious (or ideological) beings, always believing something and committing to something. The conflict between climate-concern and climate-skepticism is not primarily logical or scientific: it is religious, ideological. Our deepest beliefs and commitments determine how we respond to data and its uncertainties, and how we apply scientific findings. Lawson's book should be read in the light of his religious-ideological commitment against climate concern. Only then can we understand why, for example, he employs deficient arguments (see the 'Major Problems' below) in a book entitled 'An Appeal to Reason'.
My own religious commitment is to Jesus Christ and this leads me to responsibility to his world and to desire truth, love and humility.
Read on ...
Look at this figure, which shows a graph of global temperature over some decades. (Of course the actual graphs would not be as smooth as this; they show the underlying longer-term variation.)
In (a), we see a graph of temperature if there is only solar cycles and no underlying global warming. In (b), we see a graph of temperature if there is underlying global warming plus solar cycles. If there is no global warming, then when solar activity reduces, then global temperature should fall, but with sufficient global warming it merely remains flat (or might even continue increasing). Which has actually happened during the 2000s? Lawson gives the figures [p.7] of global average temperature above 1961-1990 average:
2001 | 0.40 |
2002 | 0.46 |
2003 | 0.46 |
2004 | 0.43 |
2005 | 0.48 |
2006 | 0.42 |
2007 | 0.41 |
Does this not look more flat than decreasing? Even Lawson admits it is flat. More like graph (b) than graph (a)?
In response to Lord Lawson's figures of 7 years, Sir John Houghton points out that Lawson shows "a surprising ignorance of elementary statistical analysis". Figures from 37 years, from 1970, show "first a clear increasing trend of about 0.5 ēC over the whole period and secondly, a substantial year to year variability of the kind that is well known to climatologists. The latest years are not unusual compared with the rest of the period." Even though these 7 years are flat, "In fact, the seven 21st century years to 2007 are on average warmer by 0.09 ēC than the last seven years of the 20th century even though 1998 holds the overall record."
Moreover, it appears that some of the flattening arises from a changing distribution of temperature measurement devices: there are now fewer drifting buoys, which measured temperature down at the ocean water level, and more up on ships, which measure higher up, slightly colder air. [Source: Metereological Office, 26 November 2010].
Note about temperatures added 25 January 2020: It has been reported that the 2010s have been the warmest decade on record, and that 2019 has been the second-warmest year, second only to 2016. 2016 temperatures were enhanced by the El-Ninio effect, while 2019 temperatures were not - suggesting that the underlying trend is even greater.
Restricted view about science. Popper is only a tiny part of the story of understanding science. Here is a fuller account of the scientific process, as it is understood today:
"Facts (observations) are not neutral because they arise from classifications and distinctions. These are not neutral, because they arise from theories or hypotheses, as Popper argued. These are not neutral because they arise from paradigms, as Kuhn argued. These are not neutral because they arise from research programmes, as Lakatos argued. Even these are not neutral, because they arise within disciplines. Disciplines are not neutral because they presuppose a systematic philosophy, whether this is explicitly worked out or not. A systematic philosophy is not neutral, because what both 'systematic' and 'philosophy' mean depends on our life-and-world-view (LWV), which is closely related to our common sense or lifeworld - as Husserl and others argued. These in turn are not neutral, argued Dooyeweerd, because they arise from, presuppose and are based on religious ground-motives."
"Not neutral" means that we must take responsibility rather than relying on some mechanical 'truth' - and this non-neutrality occurs all the way down, at every level.
Faith in 'observations'. Theories are models are theories. They are conceptual models that express our current beliefs about how reality works, which we believe it is valid to apply across a range of situations; some of them are expressed in words, some expressed in mathematics, yet others are expressed in computer code. Climate change models happen to be expressed in computer code. While theories and models should always give way to direct data from pre-theoretical experience, this is by no means as simple as Lawson implies. To make an observation means that we must first decide what to observe and what to not observe. This decision is by no means neutral. For example, if you measure temperatures, where do you measure them? And how? Observing is a labour- and resource-intensive process. Lawson gives several examples of limited observation. Moreover the purpose of observation in science is to formulate theories (models about how reality works that we can apply across a range of situations). Then, to say something about these other situations, we need to use our theories (models).
Difference between generating and using theories (models). The activity of science is to generate and refine theories. The use of such theories is not science, but application, and application is driven by some measure of trust in the theories, and involves a variety of range of thinking, including economic and political. In the case of climate change, we have both activities.
However, it is possible to be lax in both generation and use of models / theories. Laxness can arise from prejudice. It might be that some of we climate 'alarmists' have been lax. If so, then we deserve to have our knuckles rapped. But I believe the laxness is far less than climate change deniers claim.
Sir John Houghton's response explains well about uncertainties in climate data.
If you wished to find global temperatures over the past 1000 years or even longer period, how would you go about it? Can you find reliable records read from thermometers 1000 years ago? Of course not. So is it not reasonable to use different methods as they are available? Thermometer records should be used for recent years, but can we not find other temperature-sensitive phenomena from earlier years? Are not tree rings one such phenomenon? So why not use tree rings of very old trees? If you can find only one such tree, is it not better to use that than to use nothing?
Lawson assumes the Hockey Stick Curve is more likely to be false than true, but his reasons for doing so are questionable: low sample size and discourtesy by a scientist to someone who emailed him. Low sample size does not make the early data wrong, just less reliable than other data. This lesser reliability has, as far as I understand, been taken into account.
Moreover, whereas global average temperatures might rise by only a degree or two, both the effect and the temperature rise is likely to vary greatly over the globe. Rising temperatures in colder climes does more damage than in tropics, because of greater snow and tundra melt. And it is likely that colder northern climes will rise by ten or more degrees C, and the tropics rising less.
October 2010: The climate science of the University of East Anglia had been attacked a year or two ago. The Russell Report, which investigated the UEA's treatment of data etc. concluded that while some charges stand, concerning process and unwillingness to involve critics, all the charges of dishonesty and malpractice and lack of integrity were found to be baseless. Every single one of the charges against their science (and results) proved groundless.
IPCC claim | Lawson's claim | Flaw in Lawson | Underlying fault |
Water shortages will occur because of CC. |
Categorical denial of any link with CC. Water pricing and some technology (desalination, GM) will solve any problem here. Population is the problem. |
He offers no positive evidence of lack of link with CC. Agreed, population is indeed a problem, but that does not mean that CC will have absolutely no effect at all, making things worse. Desalination leads to huge energy use. | Just making a claim does not make his claim true. |
CC will severely disrupt ecosystems and cause extinction of species | Claims it won't happen. "over the past two-and-a-half-million years, a period during which the planet's climate fluctuated substantially, remarkably few of the earth's millions of plant and animal species became extinct." [p.30] |
He gives absolutely no reason to believe CC will not disrupt ecosystems and lead to extinctions. The quotation is no reason; it is from a short article by Daniel Botkin, who merely states it and gives no reference to follow up. Botkin claims that only about 20 species went extinct, large ones like mammoth. How could he tell that no tiny species went extinct, especially if they were of the kind to leave no fossils? It is not that the species today survived; of course they did. The point is about species that did *not* survive; how do we count the number of species that did not survive? But more important: the real problem is not the number of species going to extinction, but the disruption of ecosystems. Human damage is huge; will climate change not exacerbate that? | Lawson misses the point, and he quotes as authoritative fact something that is flawed. |
CC will lead to major food problems, especially in impoverished parts of the world. |
Global food production will increase with warming. The answer is genetic modification. |
Food production will increase in the already-rich places; in already-poor places it will reduce. GM leads to other problems, which he ignores. |
He is "unconcerned for the poor" [Bible: Ezekiel, 16:49], an attitude that God condemns severely. He has touching faith in the ability of new unproven technologies. |
Sea level will rise in next 100 years; Coasts are under threat. Low-lying nations will be wiped out. | Don't worry: sea level will hardly rise at all ("less than a-quarter-of-an-inch a year is not, frankly, on a scale to be alarmed about.") |
His claim rests on a few measurements of tiny sea level rises in last few years. He ignores land-based ice-melt, which has only just begun: where does he think all the future melt-water will go to? Quarter of an inch a year means 25 inches in 100 years. But the main flaw in his argument is that he ignores increased storm activity and severity. Sea level rise is not just a slight rise in calm water; it means much worse penetration by more severe storms. Sir John Houghton's response deals with this. |
If he extrapolates from just a few measurements, on what grounds can he criticise us for doing that? Is his ignoring of storms wilful? |
CC is a health threat. |
"Warmer but richer is in fact healthier than colder but poorer. ... In the developing world, the major cause of ill health and the deaths it brings, is poverty." [p.33] So CC will be a good thing. "I spent the summer of 2003 in south-west France myself, and found it perfectly tolerable" [p.34] | But CC brings poverty. That is what we are seeing today. | |
"the heat wave in Europe in 2003 ... was responsible for the deaths of 20,000 people ... The best estimates we have at the moment, if the trend in warming continues, are that that sort of summer will be the average summer in Europe in 2050." [p.33: quoting Sir John Houghton] | Cause was that health workers went on holiday, therefore cause cannot be CC. "It is the custom in France for every family to go away on holiday during the first fortnight in August, leaving behind, to fend for themselves, those family members who are too old to travel." |
Wait! If the cause was solely health workers going away, would not 20,000 die every year, since going away is 'the custom'? Though one factor is a cause, it does not rule out other factors. Summer 2003 was extraordinarily hot (one that hot is so improbable as to be 5 standard deviations away from norm), and that is why the absence of health workers and family members mattered that year. One can never prove a particular cause, but CC predicts that more severe summers will be more frequent. | Lawson misuses causality. |
In the main, he presents no sound evidence, nor even argument, that CC is actually irrelevant to all of these. All he does is either to show that other factors are also important (and illogically concludes that therefore CC cannot be important) or he claims that it is nothing to worry about, and that technology will fix it.
First, where are his calculations, and where is the detailed explanation of them so that we can follow them and check the assumptions he makes? On what basis can we trust them? All he says about how he calculated this is "It can readily be calculated" [p.36]. What he seems to have done is to take estimates for annual increase in GDP/person (2.3% and 1% for developing and developed economies) and apply that figure a hundred times, then reduced this by the estimate for how global warming will harm GDP (10% and 3% respectively, all figures from IPCC's special report on scenarios).
Second, if this is how he made his calculation, it is flawed even by his own standards. He assumes that average GDP/person will increase steadily annually by the same rate of 1% or 2.3%. Is this not rather hypocritical? Has he not already made much of the difficulty in predicting the future temperature? Why should be believe that his financial predictions are any more reliable than the ones he is throwing doubt on? Worse, while the earth's temperature rise is subject to mere physical laws (albeit highly complex), is not the rise in GDP subject to a much more complex set - economic, social, political, psychological, religious, and so on? So why is it that he, almost gleefully, keeps on repeating "'only' 8.5 rather than 9.5 better off" with so much certainty throughout the rest of his book? Are not his applications of it the ease of adaptation and the non-necessity of making sacrifices thereby highly dubious?
Third, is not the calculation meaningless, even if his predictions are correct? If we look at the last 100 yaers, back to, for example, 1910, prosperity was rising, and especially in the developing world. If we had made a similar calculation then, about what it would be like today in developing countries, would we not have predicted almost universal prosperity for all the world? But what do we find today? Huge prosperity in the developed nations, huge poverty in the developing nations rubbing shoulders with obscene wealth. And this is without climate change. What will we find in 100 years with climate change? In the next chapter, Lawson sums his view up by the astounding claim that "the poorer regions are, for the most part, not going to be poor in a hundred years time" [p.40] If we look at the world today compared with 100 years ago, has not the disparity between Europe and Africa widened rather than narrowed, despite two world wars that decimated Europe? Does this not suggest that Lawson's analysis is completely wide of the mark?
Fourth, it is accepted very widely that GDP is not a good measure of what is good in life. Even in the UK has not happiness decreased with increased GDP? In the world as a whole while GDP has grown steadily, is it not the case that disparities have widened, injustice has soared, wars have ravaged, genocides have occurred, terrorism has increased, fear has increasingly affected us, and so on?
Fifth, does this not cast doubt on the whole exercise of economic analysis on which Lawson so heavily relies? I would even criticise the IPCC for the misleading nature of its estimates that climate change will reduce GDP by 10% and 3%. Does 10% really capture all the aspects of evil above? (If Lawson wanted to criticise the IPCC, why did he not criticise this aspect of their work?)
In his response to Lord Lawson's argument Sir John Houghton says "Estimates of the costs of the damage of global warming in the Stern Review allow to some extent for these increases in floods and droughts, although I believe probably not adequately. Partly because until recently few quantitative estimates of increased risk were available and partly because much of the damage, for instance due to droughts, is not easy to express in monetary terms." Is it possible that 10% is too low?
So will the poorer nations not still be left to the ravages of climate change? If so, what do we do with hundreds of millions of environmental refugees? Will we let them come into our better-off lands? Or will we just abandon them and let them suffer? Has Lawson adequately thought this through?
But worse. How will the non-human world adapt? It takes a species many generations to adapt in even small ways. Humans and larger animals might be able to move to new places, but plants cannot.
Is it not incredibly stupid to put all our eggs in the adaptation basket?
What about subsistence farmers (i.e. those, especially in developing countries, who grow food for themselves rather than for the market)? How are all these people going to be trained, and supplied with new types of crop? And does it not mean that most people will have to get used to different types of food? And will this not disrupt established patterns of nutrition that have developed over centuries? Will this not lead to more disease and so on? Whereas in UK agriculture there is reasonable good communications and farmers are only 2% of the population, in developing countries, growers make up much more of the population and there is no established system of agricultural communication.
Even if only some of these are true, is not Lawson rather cavalier in his assumptions? Who is going to pay for all these changes, training, etc.?
The Stern Review was written to answer the question, "Suppose climate change were to happen; what would it cost us?" As such, the Stern Review was nearly unique in its time. Most of the argument at the time was whether climate change would happen, whether it was human-made, and what the possible results might be. Most of this did not address the financial side. Stern was the one who tried to do that.
I think the Stern Review can be criticised, not for being too bold but for being too timid. It tried hard to be 'believable' to the politicians who had economic growth as their ultimate aim, rather than taking climate change seriously. The Stern Review thus avoided some of the things it should have tackled. Its economic analysis is very conservative, and its estimate of the costs of climate change as percentage of GDP is not only too small but very misleading.
In his response Sir John Houghton points to the IPCC's conclusion that "The most critical impacts come from the robust result of the IPCC concerning changes in rainfall patterns, water availability and increases in the number and average severity of floods and droughts. ... floods and droughts cause on average more deaths, more misery and greater economic loss than any other disasters so their increasing trend is bad news especially for those in the most vulnerable parts of the world." Lawson does not do justice to these issues.
With the Antarctica ice sheet thickening, does not Lawson actually admit that warming is actually one of the reasons for its thickening? If so, does this not suggest that warming is happening?
All Lawson gives us on tipping points is on pp47-48: "The Stern Review is at the extreme end of the alarmist camp, warning us that ... 'at some point ... may take the world past irreversible tipping points'. And there is much more in this vein. ... this sort of scaremongering ...", "Professor Hulme was particularly scathing about Mr Blair's open letter to EU Heads of State, in which he declared that 'We have a window of only 10-15 years to take the steps we need to avoid crossing a catastrophic tipping point'.", "Professor Paul Hardaker ... '... the idea of a point of no return, or a 'tipping point', is a misleading way to think about climate and can be unnecessarily alarmist." That is all. No actual arguments about whether tipping points might occur or not nor reasons for disbelieving them except loaded words like 'scaremongering' and 'alarmist'. Despite the fact that elsewhere he goes into great detail trying to prove that the mechanisms that climate science has etc. have proposed are flawed and even inoperative, he does no such thing about tipping points.
Why does Lawson largely ignore such tipping points? Why has he not argued against them, but just remained quiet except for a sneer? Is it because he cannot find any flaw in their arguments? Might we conclude from this that he has no argument against them? And therefore that they are a real possibility?
In both this and the previous note, does Lawson assumes that the entirety of humanity is driven solely and only by self-interest, in which nobody will do an ounce more than they are forced to by others? Though I do agree that self-interest is rife, does self-interest rule for the entirety of humanity all the time. Is it not true that some people some of the time will act altruistically, with courageous generosity? Do not religions encourage this? At least, has not the Gospel of Christ given human beings the motivation and freedom to act in this way, out of thankfulness to God if nothing else. But Lawson ignores this; he assumes that the Gospel of Christ has done nothing in the world - is he not factually wrong about that?
Did not Lawson accept (earlier) that the the IPCC-estimated costs of climate change as being 3% and 10% of GDP of developed and developing economies respectively? Does this not mean that the cost of mitigation is greater than the cost of climate change problems? Does it not seem reasonable to pay the costs now? Does it not seem reasonable that we, the rich, should pay the costs? Especially since it is our own lifestyles that are the cause?
Sir John Houghton's response presents more argument.
"There is a standard way of measuring future benefits against present costs, that is, to apply a rate of discount to the future.
For jam tomorrow is not worth as much as jam today,
nor is the possibility or even the probability of jam tomorrow worth as much as the certainty of jam tomorrow.
Moreover a pot of jam is worth more to the poor man than to the rich man.
So, for long-term projects, the richer future generations are expected to be, the higher the appropriate discount rate."
What justification has Lawson for increasing the discount rate? It is difficult to calculate the appropriate discount rate on the basis of economics alone, and if we do, we are forced to make assumptions that are arbitrary and, even worse, hidden. These assumptions relate to other aspects of human life and activity, especially aspects of justice and ethics. Lawson does discuss taking ethics into account, but argues for a particular type of ethics that happens to let him decide on a high discount rate and criticise Stern for using a low one: that of Hume. Is Hume the only, and final, word on ethics? But his treatment of these is deeply flawed, especially from a Biblical point of view. See other notes about these below. Are not ethics and justice more important in setting discount rates than mere economics?
Sir John Houghton suggests, "Further, we are faced not just with a judgement of how much in principle we should spend now to avoid damage in the future, but addressing how the energy industries of the world can overcome their system's inertia and turn around in time to meet the targets that the international community is likely to set."
Given that the very physics predicts that global warming will start slowly and get faster, is surprising to see it currently swamped by the solar cycle? Is Lawson not rather disingenuous here?
This makes sense why he is partly correct in likening eco-fundamentalism to Marxism: both are strong beliefs that involve commitment and vision.
The only question I would raise is not whether they are hypocritical in using air travel to achieve their ecological ends (as Lawson insinuates) but something much deeper that Lawson himself has missed: their ground-motive. A ground-motive is a deep presupposition about the nature of reality, including normative reality, which acts as a spiritual driving force long-term on a culture's thinking (for more see page on ground-motives). The ground-motive of the mediaeval Roman Catholic church was Nature-Grace, while the modern Humanistic ground-motive is centred on the dichotomy between nature and freedom. I see Tony Blair as driven by the former and both Lawson and Al Gore driven by the latter. In a dualistic ground-motive like this, those who cling to one pole see those at the other as enemies. Lawson is near the freedom pole, Gore seems nearer the nature pole. But the one I espouse is the Biblical one of Creation-Fall-Redemption. Under this ground-motive, the whole creation is good, but it is human beings who bring evil because of the orientation of our hearts (attitude, below).
Jesus castigated the leaders of the time for not heeding the warnings of the time. These were likened to warnings about tomorrow's weather. The central issue was not the medium by which the warning was delivered but the attitude they displayed, a refusal to believe rather than an open-minded caution. In the Old Testament, we find the prophet Ezekiel being told by God that his duty as a 'watchman' was to be sure he gave the warning, and then the people who refused to heed it would be guilty on their own account. So God does expect us to take warnings, and holds us to account if we do not, especially if the reason we do not is a refusal to do so. I sense this refusal in most climate-change-skeptics, including Lawson. They will be judged by God, not just on their disbelief, but on their refusal to believe.
Moreover, the Biblical view has a certain logic to it: We human beings have been given responsibility for the rest of creation, as 'shepherds' of it. In Ezekiel chapter 34 the shepherds are castigated:
"Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves. Should not the shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool, and slaughter the choice animals but you do not take care of the flock. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. ... Therefore you shepherds hear the word of the LORD: As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, because my flock lacks a shepherd and so has been plundered and has become food for all the wild animals, and because my shepherds did not search for my flock but cared for themselves rather than for my flock, therefore, O shepherds, hear the word of the LORD. This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. ..."
Of course, this applies directly to the Jewish leaders, and also to Jesus Christ coming as the 'good shepherd'. But notice the principle by which God judges: callous attitude, self-seeking, disregard for those we are in charge of. This is what God hates. Is it too much to apply this to humanity's responsibility for God's world?
Here are some problems in Lawson's book that are deeper and broader than the problems above. Most of them pertain to several chapters in the book, or even to the whole.
The only argument he gives for not taking action now is that it might involve us, developed nations, changing our lifestyles, 'sacrificing' up to 5% of GDP [p.79]. Lawson seems to think both change in lifestyle and a 5% cost must be completely ruled out. But:
It is indeed ironic that Nigel Lawson claims 'An Appeal to Reason'.
Sir John Houghton has published two responses to Nigel Lawson.
Last updated: 6 June 2010 chapters 5, 6, 7 summaries with notes and 'but's. 13 June 2010 major rearrangement, and revamp. Tidying up. 23 June 2010 gw v cc, no-against. 28 June 2010 ch8, and redid intro summary. 11 July 2010 redid introductory overview, and added graph. 13 July 2010 ack, new intro. 18 July 2010 minor errors MAS corrected; added links back to chapters; reword intro. 19 July 2010 knowles cmt, edited some of my more careless text. 2 September 2010 changed some intro and text. 3 September 2010 removed comment on wind v nuclear. 6 September 2010 shorter intro that makes clear not trying to prove cc. 17 September 2010 rlg dets how we analyse data. 30 September 2010 links to Sir JH's comments. 26 November 2010 fewer buoys, reversed title. 28 November 2010 shortened overall. 22 March 2011 shorter intro; rearranged material. 15 May 2011 Russell Report on hockey stick. 20 August 2011 but-Stern. 19 February 2014 list of flaws in Intro, a couple of other minor changes. 16 July 2014 stop press re GWPF. 25 January 2020 Margaret Thatcher and Lawson's responsibility; 2010s warmest decade.
Lawson Often Misses the Point
He often misses the point. Sometimes he misunderstands. Other times he does not see important implications. Here are some examples.
On p7-8, however, he admits that 2001-7 has seen an unusually low solar activity, after high activity in last Q of twentieth century. If the 1990s increase in global temperatures was a result solely of solar activity, would we not expect a reduction during this decade? (Remember: he calls us to focus on observations, not model predictions.) Instead, we find a plateau. This suggests that the trend is still upwards.
Misses the point. 1. Warming goes on for another 40 years at least; will we manage pretty well then? 2. *We* managed pretty well. What about the poor of the world. Did they? 3. Did we *really* manage 'pretty well'? Depends whether you live in New Orleans etc.
First, we could reasonably answer "Yes" because we - the whole cosmos of life and humanity - has emerged depending on this temperature. So, if he demands we answer his leading question, the answer must be 'Yes'.
But that is not the point. He is asking the wrong question. It is not that we 'happen' to have 'the ideal' temperature. He is trying to suggest that to think small departures would be disastrous. What about the human blood temperature. A small variation from that disrupts our bodily health. So why not the temperature of the earth. Just as 98.4 F is not some 'ideal average ... happy change' so surely it is not unreasonable with global temperatures? He misses the point, in fact both points.
1. It is not just rich, Western man who must adapt, using his technology and innovation and imagination, but the poor, and also the rest of nature, which does not have these advantages.
2. Rise in global temperature does not just make things a little hotter; it increases the energy in the system, which will manifest itself in increasing violence of weather events, i.e. kinematic energy rather than mere temperature.
Lawson's Narrow View
Lawson adopts a narrow outlook. He seems to think that money is the only thing that really matters and that GDP is the overriding norm for governments. As one-time Chancellor of the Exchequer, some focus on financial measures is to be expected, but he should have retained greater awareness of other aspects of national and international life. He ignores other aspects of life, especially the need for responsibility. Assuming money is the measure of all things, he ignores the fact that governments sometimes (all too rarely, in my view) act to do what's right, and let the economics follow rather than lead.
In view of the economic downturn, credit crunch and stockmarket collapse that occurred during 2008, the year his book came out, is it not rather amusing that he holds up the banking system as an example to follow? Specifically, he argues, they saw uncertainty as a market opportunity. Also, he says "Another form of reality check is to look at the stock market. ..." [p.106] ! Does not that show how wrong Lawson is in the emphasis he gives to finance and financial measures?
I do not have the figures to hand, so cannot comment on his calculations, but I am suspicious of them. But even if his calculations are correct, is he justified in taking GDP-measured standard of living as the only important factor? For example, the Children's Society recently (2009) published a report that children are suffering today because of selfishness of parents (who are well off). What about environmental refugees?
He seems to think he has delivered a coup de gras. But he has ignored many issues, such as storms, he has made GDP the overriding factor. He has not convincingly shown that the warnings of the 'alarmists' will not happen, but only shown that some of them might not happen, and wants us to thereby conclude that none of them will. See elsewhere.
Lawson Does Not Understand Uncertainty
Nigel Lawson does not understand uncertainty in data. His argument in chapters 1, 2 is "There is uncertainty in the figures. Therefore the 'alarmists' might be wrong in the figures they are using. So, on this basis, we can (should) completely ignore and disbelieve most of what they say."
Lawson Rubbishes the Reputable
Lawson pours scorn on various people and bodies, often by the tone of words and phrases he uses, instead of offering good argument. It is not clear why they deserve this scorn.
{While I am critical of the Blair government wanting a position of 'leader' in this, I think that Lawson is very wrong here.
1. Stern Review was in fact a Review, given the policy. Surely this is a valid thing for governments to do?
2. Surely Governments have a right to set policy?
3. Money is not the only important thing in life; policy *can* sometimes be made on other bases, e.g. justice or ethics. Governments *are* allowed to do that.
4. It is wise to estimate costs. But if the uncertainty is as bad as he says, how long would it take Treasury to come up with a costing that is believable enough for him. From what he has said, it seems he would only accept a cost that has zero uncertainty. Or is it that he would accept a cost that suited his own predetermined political views and beliefs?
5. Sometimes, it is good to pay the costs of doing right. e.g. abolition of slavery, e.g. Marshall Plan. Spending on such costs can even stimulate economies, and have an unanticipated .
6. Is it because he is a Tory and wants to decry Labour? I believe it's deeper: he is what might be called an anti-climate alarmist - a person who tries to spread alarm about the costs of tackling climate change. As mentioned at the start, this is a religious issue: Lawson is religiously committed against climate concern.}
Lawson's Style of Argument
His style of argument is flawed. This draws together some examples, some of which might have been mentioned earlier.
Emotive words.
Insinuation and Innuendo
It may well be that the IPCC proffers 'what if' scenarios. If so, then the the original scenarios are still possibilities as 'what if's. But he likes to rubbish IPCC, not with reason, but with innuendo and snide insinuation. That is why he uses the word 'airily' - to plant in our minds that the IPCC is being cowardly and deceitful.
Intemperate language.
He is too categorical in his opinions. e.g. Water problems "has nothing whatever to do with global warming." [p.29] CC might not be the sole cause but it cannot be so categorically ruled out. He too readily attributes this problem (without good justification) solely to population growth.
When it suits him, he lambasts computer models, but then at other times it suits him to use their results.
Sir John Houghton
Sir John Houghton is a careful scientist, concerned climate expert and committed Christian who puts truth above his own views and opinions. Like any of us he has his own ideas and tries to work them out (for example he was particularly interested in the high death rate in France in 2003). It is people like this who we ought to listen to and be stimulated by, even if we critically examine some of their detailed suggestions. People like this should not be rubbished in the way Lawson does.
Note about terminology
Climate skeptics like Nigel Lawson call it "global warming".
Climate concerned people, like me, call it "climate change".
Ten years ago I was calling it 'global warming', but someone warned me:
"Don't call it 'global warming', but 'climate change'. The greenhouse effect will increase energy in the atmosphere. Increased kinetic energy in the atmosphere means more storms and changed wind patterns. So Britain [I live in Britain] will get more winds from Siberia [the cold north], and might get cooler not warmer, even though the rest of the world gets warmer."
So I call it 'climate change', as being a more accurate description, covering not only average warming but also increase in kinetics and local changes.
I wish to thank:
Created: 2009
by Andrew Basden.