God: | OK, humanity, represent Me to the Creation, with care & love; Live and work with Me; Have fun! |
Adam & Eve: | Okay, God. |
Tempter: | You could be gods yourselves. |
Adam & Eve: | Okay. |
God: | What happened!? |
Adam & Eve: | We wanted to be in control. |
God: | Oh no! |
God: | You are my people; represent Me to the nations. True prosperity and fun come from living and working with Me. |
People: | We'll do that. |
God: | Good. |
People: | But we wanted to be like all the others. |
God: | Oh no! |
Prophets: | Do justice! Represent God properly, or He'll take you away. |
People: | But we'll still worship God. |
God: |
No! Inner attitude trumps religious observance. I've a plan to sort that. |
Jesus: | Father God and I are one; Come to Me, all who suffer. |
Healed people: | Okay! Thank you! |
Jesus: | Father God sent Me to sort the world. Live and work with Me, not for yourselves. |
Other people: | Insult! We don't wanna be sorted. We'll kill you. |
Jesus: | Father, I complete what You sent me to do. |
Father God: | Look! Now all can live and work with Me through Jesus. |
God: | Hey!, My Spirit can dwell in you who turn to Jesus. |
Some people: | We're being changed inside! We can live and work with God here and now! Joy! :-)) |
Paul: | Jesus lives through us; We can truly represent God among the people, even if imperfectly. |
Peter: | We can live and work with God every day; Jesus is worth suffering for! |
Paul: | Jews and Gentiles will integrate. |
John: | Jesus wins! In the New Earth we'll live and work with God all the time, representing Him to the rest of creation, in fun and joy. |
Think this is better than other attempts?
'Religion Prof': | The Bible (TL;DR Version) (which I feel emphasises the negative r.t. positive) |
Babylon Bee: | The TL;DR Edition of all 66 Books Of The Bible ) (which seems to me to disregard many books in the Bible) |
For a longer exploration of this version, see:
This page is offered to God as on-going work. Comments, queries welcome.
Copyright (c) Andrew Basden at all dates below. But you may use this material subject to certain conditions.
Part of his www.abxn.org pages, that open up discussion and exploration from a Christian ('xn') perspective. Written on the Amiga with Protext.
Created: 26 December 2014. Last updated: 1 January 2015. 6 February 2017 tldr ofter. 15 April 2018 clearer separation between tldr and after. 20 April 2018 Got rid of most "Guys!"; Title to avoid tl;dr; added comparisons.