"I was flipping through TV channels one night and Father Zakaria out of Egypt was on. The way he spoke to the immams who called in astounded me. He had remarkable answers for everything - answers to questions I'd had all my life about my religion. It floored me to think I might be wrong and that Islam might not be the correct path to God. What if it was Jesus? I thought. That night, I couldn't sleep , because the question wouldn't leave me."The next night was no better. So finally I prayed: 'Jesus, if You are the way to heaven ... show me.'
"Right away, I drifted into a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night. But I wasn't prepared for what Fatima told me the next morning." He pointed at his wife. "She seemed uncomfortable during breakfast but finally said to me: 'Jesus came to me in a dream last night.'
"I wasn't quite sure what to think, so I simply asked her if He told her anything.
"Fatima suddenly looked radiant. She put her hand on her heart and said, 'Yes, He did tell me something, Ismail. I will never forget what He said.'
"Whoa, I thought. My heart was pounding in my chest. Now I was dying to know the message, and here's what she told me:
"'Jesus said He is the way to heaven and that I should tell you. He said so, Ismail. He also told me that He loves us. Jesus said that He loves us! He knows our names. I cannot even imagine this. I have never felt so serene and loved in my lofe.'"
"The answer is that they don't care. Nobody cares about us - except Jesus. He even knows our names." Ismail looked at the other couples again, then focused his eyes on Sami. "We want to pray and give our lives to Him - now."
Sami swallowed the lump in his throat and took Adelle by the hand, then slid off the couch and knelt on the floor. The others joined him as he and Adelle led the sex men and women in a prayer of commitment. Each prayed in turn, then Sami offered a final plea for blessing upon everyone gathered, but before he could say "Amen", the front window exploded, spewing glass on all eight people in the room.
"Hit the floor!" Ismail threw his arm around Tatima and pulled the kneeling woman the rest of the way to the tile flooring. ...
I learn two things from this:
This page, "http://www.abxn.org/Jesus.is.real.html", is offered to God as on-going work. Comments, queries welcome.
Copyright (c) Andrew Basden at all dates below. But you may use this material subject to certain conditions.
Part of his www.abxn.org pages, that open up discussion and exploration from a Christian ('xn') perspective. Written on the Amiga with Protext.
Created: 28 August 2017. Last updated: