Key: Where whole sections or sub-sections are relevant to the entry, they are indicated by "§C-a(ppp-qq)" and "§C-a.b(ppp-qq)" where C is chapter number, a, b are section and subsection numbers, and ppp-qq is its page range.
abstraction 56–7, 57, 286
academia, theorizing tendency 388
acceptance of technology 164–6, 200–6
accessibility 158, 183, 199
acculturation 278, 295
accuracy (of information) 199
action research 99, 101
Actor-Network Theory 162, 197, 273, 328, 411
Adam, Alison 80, 275, 296
Adobe Acrobat Reader 224, 347
advertisements 267
aesthetic aspect 35, 50, 67, 77, 99–100, 103, 118–9, 288, 296, 302, 307, 333, 405, and in most tables, passim
Affluent North 161, 196
affluenza 283, 306
affordance 11, 19, 118, 137, 170, 207–8, 211–2, 221, §7-2.3(228–32), 236, §7-3.3(238–43), 375, 387, 401, 404–5, 412
agency 139, 297
agent see affordance
agile development approaches 324, 343, 359–61, 406
agriculture 3.1, Figure 8.4
Ahmad, Hawa 105, 208
Aiyenitaju-Adewolu, Opeoluwa 106
algorithms 13, 136, 141, 221–5, 234, 247, 251, 274, 330
Allmer, Matt 330, 337, Table 9.3
Amiga (computer) xvi, 144, 181, 182, 188
Amish communities 273
analytic aspect 35, 51, 74, 82, 99–100, 133, 288, and in most tables, passim
ancient manuscripts 125
animals 48, 169
animation 158, 180
antecipatory dependency 71, 200, 239, 244, 245, 252–3, 359, 362, 374, 401
anti-capitalist movement 295, 412
anticipating use 336, §9-5(343–9), 349, 388, 400
antinomy (incl. method of) 53, 66, 69, 279, 386
Apache servers 127
Apologetics 99, 297
Apple Computer 181–2
application program interfaces (APIs) 323
applications of ICT 226
appropriateness 207, 221, §7-2.4.2(234–6), 236, §7-3.4(243–4), 258, 387, 405, 412
Aristotle 21, 33, 84, 381
artefacts §5-2.4(119–21), 299, 320
artificial intelligence (AI) 24, 127, §5-6(145–9), 158, 161, 325, 352, 375, 394, 386, 410
aspect 35–6, 102, 114, 177, §3-7(67–74), §3-8(74–83), 375, 384, 387–8, 392, passim
Aspect-oriented programming / approach 236, 252–3, 322, 333, 413
aspects of knowledge 19
aspectual analysis 102, §4-4.2(103–8), 202, 205, 208, 311–3, 354, 400, 406
aspectual beings 85, 129, 136
Aspectual Engagements Framework 154–5, §6-3(174–94), 194, 212–3, 311–3, 386, 400, 403–5, 410–11
aspectual heatmap 193, 209–10
aspectual normativity §3-7.5(73–4), 86, 89, 97, 121, 129, 195, 199, 312, 386–7, 405, 412
aspectual opening 49–50, 303–4, 307–8, 313, 387, 412
aspectual profiles 106
aspectual targets see target aspects
Asperger Syndrome xv
aspiration 265, 311–3
assembler language 321
assumptions 190, 278, 344, 416
attitude 134, 204, 400, 417
attribution-meaning 32, 78
audio-visual-haptic channels 179
Bartle, Richard 164, 329, 331, 334, 407
Basden, Andrew passim
battery power 182
being (existence, things) §3-9(83–9), 114
being-as-meaning 33, 84–7, 114, 127, 299, 391, 410
being-in-itself 114, 127, 139
being-in-the-world 46, 114, 127, 139
beliefs and commitments 79, 272, 359
benefits (esp. of ICT) 73, 165, 176, 191–2, 202, 311–3, 344, 378, 404, 410
Bergson, Henri 21, 49, 82
Bergvall-Kåreborn,, Birgitta 87
Bhaskar, Roy 52, 56
Biblical ground-motive 42, 58, 94–6
big data 125, 134–5, 161, 189, 267, 401–2
biodiversity 169, 205
bits, bit patterns 123, 125, 130
black box (ICT as) 170, 211, 226, 259, 282
blogs 292, 332
blue ocean ideas xv, 351
bodies of knowledge 9, 50, 55–8, 101, 281
boilerplate code 322, 341
boundary critique 348
Bourdieu, Pierre 8, 30, 81, 278–9, 381
Breems, Nick 48, 77, 139, 175, 193, 205
Buber, Martin 43
bullying (cyber-) 168, 264, 289
Bunge, M. 41, 64
Bunge-Wand-Weber KR ontology 235
Burrell & Morgan (paradigms) 100, 327
Call of Duty (game) 135, 142, 329
capta 125, 130
category errors 69
CATWOE 198, 346
causality 70, 77, 146
Checkland, Peter 64, 198
chief information officer 157
Choi, Yong-Joon 41
Churchman, C. West 42, 335, 348
Clash of Clans (game) 142, 189, Table 6.3, 329, 350–1
Client-Centred Approach 324
climate change 169, 205, 264, 289, 290–2, 311–3, 342, 404–5, 411
climate modelling 173
cloud computing 272
Clouser, Roy 34, 42–3, 58, 139
CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) 8, 324, 357–9
coding see program code, writing
Cognitive Dimensions 158, 194, 233
cognitive effort 180
coherence of meaning(fulness) 34–5, 38, 58, 68, 71, 80, 380
communities of practice 7, 162, 172
community of thought 58
complex shape 223, 234, 251, 253
Computer Aided Design (CAD) 173, 208
computer games 142–3, 163, 180, 185, 189, 198–9, 208–9, 242, 304, 329–31, 385, 386, 401–2, 403, 410–11
computer graphics 158
computer languages 321, 350
computer music and art 163, 198
computer procrastination 175, 193–4, 205, 403
computer programming see programming
computer science 11, 20, 220, Figure 8.4, 322, 385, 394
computer system levels 136, 414
computers 3, 179, §5-4(135–41), Table 5.3, 179, 386, 414
concept formation 38
confidentiality 264
Cook, Olive 165, 202
covenant with players 331, 334, 352, 356
creating the ICT artefact 336, §9-4(339–43), 388, 407
Creation, Fall and Redemption (CFR ground-motive) 39, 41, 148, 386, 415
creationism, fundamentalist 42
critical approach/theory 98
Critical Realism 24, 521, 414
Critical Systems Heuristics 162
Critical Systems Thinking 98, 162, 197–8
cross-cultural understanding 132, 400, 406
cross-cutting concerns 236, 252, 322
crowd-sourcing 354
crowdfunding 264, 289
cultural expectations (UI) 181
cyberloafing 168, 264, 289
cyberspace 113, 139
cyborg 113, 139
data mining 125, 134, 189, 224, 267, 326, 354
data / information quality 164, 199, 403
data warehousing 125, 161
data, information and knowledge 125, Table 5.2, 386, 410
de Certeau, Michel 30
de Saussure, Ferdinand 45
decision support systems 161, 325
demonization 295, 311–3
denial-of-service attack 390
dependency see inter-aspect dependency
Descartes, Rene 22, 38, 46
Design Patterns 236, 322, 333
design science 61, 158
design, coding and testing 336, 342, 388, 401
detached observer 57
determinacy/ism 146, 237
detrimental impact 73, 311–3, 344, 378, passim
developing nations / world 156, 266
diffusion of innovations (DoI) 273
digital divide 266, 270–1, 287, 292, Table 8.2, 294–5, 311, 379, 387, 406, 412
digital marketing 390, 408
digital nomads 360
digital preservation 132–4, 401–2
disciplines (fields) §3-5(59–63)
Disclosive Systems Thinking 162–197
discourses passim, 103
diversity §3-1(34–7), 68, 384
divine (Origin) 34, 39, 58
documentation 320, 322, 341, 343
documents / books 86, 131, 386
domain knowledge 326, 333, 351
domain ontology 350–1, 405
domain understanding 336, §9-6(349, 56), 388
Dooyeweerd Pages (website) xii, 417
Dooyeweerd's philosophy / thought Chapter 3, 388, passim
Dooyeweerd's suite of aspects §3-6(63–7), 102, 212–3, 245, 258, 311–3, 375, 394, and in most tables
Dooyeweerd, Herman passim, 8, 26–7, Chapter 3, 391–2
dot-com bubble 284
down-to-earth issues xii, 6, 105, 160, 172, 207, 324, 328–9, 389, 400, 411
download time 183
dualism 41–3, 160, 385, 386–7
duality of structure 276
ease of use §3-2.1(157–8), 164–6, 176, 194, 233, 402, 410
Ebay 271, 332
ecological psychology 170, 229
economic aspect 35, 70, 99–100, 118, 287, 299, 301, and in most tables, passim
economic growth 270–2, 303, 412
economy, the 286, 292–3, 300, 301, 302, 306
ecosystem valuing 412
education, ICT in 208
Egoless Programming 341
electronic health/medical records 106–7, 171, 208
electronics (components) 137
emancipation 169, 206, 277–9, 348
emancipatory approaches 53, 327, 358–9
emergence 72, 146, 148, 410
emerging topics (future) 408
Encyclopedia Britannica 64
end-users 320, 344
enframing 116–8, 122–3
engaging in life with ICT (ELI) 142, 176, 178, 181, §6-3.6(191–4), 212, 221, 242, 288, 345, 354, 378, 386, passim
engaging with interface and technology (EIT) 176, 178, §6-3.4(179–84), 212, 221, 242, 288, 345, 354, 378, 386, 402, passim
engaging with meaningful content (EMC) 122, 142, 176–7, 178, 180, §6-3.5(184–91), 191, 199, 209, 212, 221, 242, 288, 345, 354, 378, 386, 402, 410, passim
engaging with represented content 175
enkapsis 88–9, 102, 177, 195, 198, 301, 312, 363, 392, 411, 415
epistemology 20
ergonomics 137, 157, 179, 194
Eriksson, Darek 98, 203
essentialism 33, 39, 52, 85, 207, 275
ethical aspect xiii, 35, 99–100, 118, 134, 205–6, 289, 294, 298, 301–2, 306, 311–3, 387, 402, 405, 412, and in most tables, passim
ethics 83, 204, 386
ETHICS (Mumford & Weir 1979) 160
eudaimomina see shalom
everyday experience passim, xii, 4, §1-2.2(6–9), 14, 21, 30–2, 37, 41, 46–8, 51–2, 82, 93, 102, 174, 191, 207, 337, 386–7, 411, 413
everyday life 5–6, 400
everyday life domains see life domains
everyday perspective 386–8, 409
evil §3-7.5(73–4), 311–3
evolutionary approaches (ISD) 327
existence see being
existence as meaningfulness 84
expert systems 161, 304, 325–6, 352
expressing knowledge 322, 325, 343, 350
external variables (TAM) 165–6, 200–2
Extreme Programming 335
Facematch 284
fact-side 45
Faraday, Michael 44
fashion, technological or social 380
feature (ICT) 221, 226
feminist stance / thought 275, 287, 296, 305
field see disciplines
field of information systems see information systems field
file compression 133
file formats 253–8, 401, 405, 412
Fitts' Law 179
flask disk 182
Floridi, Luciano 124
Form-Matter ground-motive 38, 39, 147
formative aspect 8, 35, 50, 70–1, 99–100, 119, 122–3, 129, 133, 197, 206, 287, 296, 298, and in most tables, passim
Foucault, Michel 24, 51, 59, 89, 267, 278–9, 381
foundational dependency see retrocipation
foundational frameworks for understanding passim, 16, 111, 175–7, 280, 375–6, 381–2, 388, 395–6, Table 12.3, Table 12.4, 416
founding aspect 86
frameworks for understanding see foundational frameworks
Frankfurt School 277
Freecycle 293, 304
freedom 74, 146, 238, 273–4, 283, 388
fun 329, 348, 356
function hooks 252
functional relationships 87, 302
functioning 46, 48–9, §3-8.2(77–80)
future orientation 320, 388
gambling (online) 264, 292
gameplay 188, 329–30, 400, 402
games see computer games
gamification 331, 356, 407
Geertsema, Henk 46, 51–5, 70, 274, 305
Gegenstand 57–8, 66, 68, 87, 126, 353, 415
gender and information systems 274–5, 296–7
geographic information systems (GIS) 173, 208
Gibson, JJ. 229, 232, 239
Giddens, Anthony 64, 275, 279, 297–9
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) 224
Global South 161
Goede, Roelien xix, 197
good and evil §3-7.5(73–4), 311–3
Google Earth 173, 337
Google Maps 173, 225
Google search xx, 226
Goudzwaard, Bob 73, 272, 295
Gramsci, Antonio 278, 295
Greek ground-motive see Form-matter ground-motive
Ground-Idea §3-5(59–60), 94–6, 98, 102, 288, 296, 381, 389, 392, 400, 414, 417
ground-motive(s) 39–44, 102, 418, passim
groupthink 168, 206, 325, 329
gulfs of evaluation and execution 180
Haftor, Darek see Eriksson, Darek
Hard Systems Thinking 98, 197
hardware 137, 179
health informatics 171, 173, 207
hedonic use (ICT) 163, 198
Heidegger, Martin 24, 33, 38, 40, 46, 95, 114, 118, 146, 158, 176, 231, 258, 381
hermeneutic cycle 99
Hermeneutic Turn see Linguistic Turn
hermeneutics 24, 61, 124
heuristic knowledge 352
Hirschheim, Rudy 280–1, 327–8, 345, 358
history of:
holy wars 272
home computing 163, 198, 403, 414
HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) 180
HTML 224, 254, 255, 257
human being (incl. body) 137, 145–7
human living with computers 175
human-computer interaction (HCI) 11, Table 5.3, 157–8, 175, 176, 194, §6-3.4(179–84), 229, 233, 281, 385, 394, 402, 410
Humanistic ground-motive see Nature-freedom ground-motive
humankind's role, Biblical interpretation of 117
humility 271
Husserl, Edmund 24, 30, 59, 68
ICT and society Chapter 8, 97, 311–3, 375, 378–9, 382, 387, 391, 395, 405, 412
ICT artefact 135, 162, 226, 320, 350, passim
ICT as infrastructure (Umwelt) 265, 270, 292, 303
ICT developer 320
ICT development 319, Chapter 9, 375, 378, 382, 388, 391, 395, 400, 406, 413
ICT development guidelines 342
ICT development, warrior role 345
ICT Ethics 167–8, 204–5
ICT evaluation 400
ICT features Chapter 7, 170–1, 207, 237, Table 9.2, 375, 378–9, 382, 391, 395, 387, 401, 405, 411
ICT in its wider environment 162, 197
ICT products 226
ICT strategy 157
ICT use Chapter 6, 154, 375, 378–9, 382, 391, 395, 386, 402, 410, 414
ICT users see users
Idolatry / idolization (esp. of technology) 79, 270, 272, 295–6, 311–3, 385, 387
IFF (file format) 257
Immanence Standpoint / Philosophy §3-2.1(37–8), 46, 53, 69, 70, 72, 84, 94–6, 102, 113–4, 127, 150, 197, §8-3(285–7), 299, 337, 376, 380–1, 387, 391, 418
immanent critique 52–4, 96, 418
impact of ICT use see repercussions of ICT use
inappropriateness 253
individuality structures see type laws
information §5-3(123–35), 125–6, Table 5.2, 167, 178, 184
information and communication technology see ICT
information and data quality 164, 165, §6-4.7(199–200), 202, 233
information fulfilment / satisfaction 164, 348, 402
information systems 3, 155, passim
information systems development (ISD) Chapter 9, 319
information systems discipline see information systems field
information systems field passim, 11, 14, 19, 174, 209–12, 273, §8-2.4(279–82), §8-6.3(308–10), Figure 8.4, 312, 326, 375–6, 379, 408, 414
information systems research 9, 378, 380, 389, 414
Information Systems Success Model (ISSM) 165, 202, 403
information technology see ICT
infrastructure 265, §8-4.3(292–6), 311, 387
innards (of computer) §5-5.4(143–4), 185, 222–4, 244, 387, 405, 412
innovative use of ICT 167, 203–4, 336, 404, 411
input and output 179
institutions (social) 86, 89, 195
Integrated Process Improvement 357
integration of ideas 98–9, 386
intensive use of ICT 167, 203–4, 404
intention to use (ICT) 165, 202
inter-aspect analogy 70–1, 238, 288, 387, 411, passim
inter-aspect dependency 71, 129, 204, 206, 209, 302–3, 311–3, 350, 401–2, 411, passim
inter-domain relationships 351–2
interaction possibilities 221–6, 244, 387, 405, 412
interdisciplinarity xiv, 7, passim
interdisciplinary research 62, 103
interface 125, Table 5.3, 143, §6-3.4(178–84), 221–6, Table 7.2, 328, 339
interface objects 178, 179–80, 226
Internet 156, 179, 290, 292, 300, 304, passim
Internet of Things 390
interoperability (computer) 139, 224, 236, 253
interpretation-meaning 32, 78
interpretivist research approach 10, 39, 97, 99, 406
intersubjectivity 33, 78–80, 313
interview techniques 107
intuition 7, 68–9, 82–3
IS see information systems, ICT
ISD (information systems development) see ICT development
isms 53
Jesus Christ 94
Jevon's Paradox 290–1
join points 252–3
Joneidy, Sina 62, 106
Jones, Gareth 35, 346
JPEG 133, 224–5
juridical aspect 35, 49, 72, 74, 99–100, 118, 196–7, 204–5, 206, 243, 278, 292, 298–9, 306, 312, 358, 359, and in most tables, passim
jurisprudence Figure 8.4
Kant, Immanuel 21, 40, 51, 59, 283, 381
Kantian gulf 51
Kent, William 235–6, 243
Key Issues in Information Systems Development xiii, 365–6
Khojah, Ghadah 106
Kimani, Alex 82, 196
kinematic aspect 35, 66, 80, 179–80, 205, and in most tables
Klein & Myers 1999 (paper) 58, 99
Klein, Heinz K. xiii, 9, 52, 53, 56, 58, 97, 99, 106, 276, 278, 280–1, 325, 327, 358–9
knowing, ways of §3-8.4(80–2)
knowledge (as knowing) §3-8.4(80–2), 130–1, 152
knowledge (information) §5-3.2(125)
knowledge acquisition / elicitation 336, 406
knowledge engineer(ing) 325, 336, 353
knowledge interests 51, 328
knowledge management 125, 161–2, 196–7, 326
knowledge representation 322
knowledge-based systems (KBS) 161, 196–7, 325–6
Knuth, Donald 322, 329
Korean thought 41
Krishnan-Harihara, Subrahmanian 295–6
Kuhn, Thomas 62, 81
Kuyper, Abraham 26, 93
law-side (of reality) 45, 52, 68, 86, 141, 297, 391
law-spheres 45, 68, 77, 387
law-subject-object relationship §3-3.1(44–9), 57, 102, 149, 177, 191, 197, 203, 207, 238–9, 378, 386–7, 391, 402, 414
leading aspect 86, 299, 361
Learning to use ICT / computers 158, 167, 203–4
Lee, Allen 24, 97, 160, 177, 196, 310
life domains 6, 173, 208, 411
life without ICT 266, 286, 304, 311, 406
life-meaning 32, 78
lifeworld 7, 30, 81, 132, 176, 181, 190, 276, 305
lingual aspect passim, 35, 36, 45, Figure 3.2, 68, 71–3, 78, 80, 82, 99–100, 123, 133, 288, 292–3, 298, 311–3, 340, 358, and in most tables
lingual object (information) 128–9
Linguistic Turn in philosophy 276, 392
linguistics 61
LinkedIn 332
LISP (language) 352
Listen, Affirm, Critique, Enrich (LACE) 96–9, 378, 381
logging 252
Lonergan, Bernard 25, 78, 296
longer cycles of decline 78, 296
loose connections 182
love 306
LPMUD (game) 330
Lyon, David 267–8
Lyytinen, Kalle 15, 21, 22, 99, 327, 376
malfunctions 120–2, 401, 405
management (managerial) information systems (MIS) 158–9, 208, 280
mandatory use (of ICT) 159
Marxism 21, 277–8
mass collaboration 241, 264
Material Design (Google) 71, 182
materiality (of IS/ICT) 11, 19, 170, 211, 226, §7-2.2(226–8), §7-3.2(237–8), 375, 385, 387, 411
mature green dragon 189
McGibbon, Stephen 294
meaning passim, 21, §3-1.2(32–7), 84, 231–2, 273, 276, 311–3, 331, 415
meaning at root of being see being-as-meaning
meaning-disclosure 307
meaningful content (ICT) 138, 180, 184–5
meaningful possibilities see possibility
meaningful use (health ICT) 171, 207, 411
meaningfulness passim, 32–7, 114–5, 102, 170, 174, 274, 307, 311–3, 334, 379, 386, 409
meaningfulness, wider 59, 62, 98, 386
medical computing 208
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 231
metaphor 71, 238, 387
methodology 20, Chapter 4, 320
micro computers 163
Midgley, Gerald 335, 344, 348
Minecraft (game) 87, 329–30
Mingers, John 24, 52, 168
Mirijamdotter, Anita xix
Mitcham, Carl 115
mobile phones / devices 139, 156, 246, 265
modal aspects see aspects
Model-View-Controller 222
modernity 274, 305–6, 412
modes of being 75, 84–5
motivations 312
multi-aspectual (-level) being / wholes 75, 85, 102, 129, 136, 380, 386
multi-aspectual functioning §3-8.3(80), 100–1, Table 4.2, 129, 136, 177, 190, 191, 297, 303, 311–3, 338, 388
Multi-aspectual Interview Technique (MAIT) 104, 349, 400, 406
Multi-aspectual Knowledge Elicitation (MAKE) 103, 353, 400, 406
multi-aspectual normativity 83, 387, 404, 410–1
multiplayer games 189, 329
Multiview 327–8, 357, 406
Mumford, Enid 160
music 140, 163, 198
Myers, Michael 9–10, 24, 56, 58, 97, 99, 106, 276, 278, 280, 374
narcissism 271–2
nature of ICT Chapter 5, 375, 378–80, 386, 390, 395, 402, 410
Nature-freedom ground-motive 39–40, 45, 51, 58, 74, 89, 98–9, 147, 196, 213, 237, 258, 286, 297, 301, 305, 311–3, 337, 351, 358, 386–8, 389
Nature-grace ground-motive 39, 147
Naïve see pre-theoretical, everyday
naïve realism 31
neglected aspects 68, 102, 294, 311–3, 345, 386–8, 401–2, 403, 405
neural nets 142, 326, 354
New Critique of Theoretical Thought (book) 44, Chapter 3, 417–8, 419
newbies 329
Newell, Allen 135–6
Nietzschean influence 276, 298
non-use of ICT (incl. resistance) 169–70, 206–7, 346, 404, 411
normativity, norms §3-7.5(73–4), 86, 89, 97, 114–5, 167–8, 197, 203, 276, 282, 299, 306, 312, 334, 337, 385
notes on terminology 3, 6, 32, 33, 42, 50, 52, 71, 73, 98, 113–4, 125, 126, 135, 141, 155, 179, 184, 204, 221, 263, 265, 319, 320, 336, 343
object-oriented approach 46, 236, 322
ocean of meaningfulness passim, §3-1.2.3(33–4), 43, 45, 67, 78, 206, 415
ontology 20
opening up of aspects see aspectual opening
operating system 179
optical character recognition (OCR) 125–6
organic-biotic aspect 35, 77, 86, 88, 103, 131, 143, 148, 175, 190, 195, 288, 296, 306, 350, 398, and in most tables, passim
organizational culture 300
organizational information systems 158–9, 195, 208, 299, 326, 413
organizations 85, 86, 299, 414
Origin of Meaning 58, 59, 66, 98, 102, 297, 351, 380, 418
originator (of information) 127, 129, Table 5.2
Orlikowski, Wanda 24, 227, 277
part-whole relationship 88, 237
participatory approach / design / decisions 329, 340, 358, 363
pattern recognition 179, 267
PDF 224, 234, 255–6
personal computer 156
phenomenology 24, 53, 56, 84, 95, 97, 343
philosophies, discourse among 60
philosophy Chapter 2, 4, 26–7, passim
philosophy of information 123–4, 414
philosophy of meaning 32–4, 304
philosophy of technology §5-2.1(115–9), 121–3, 168, 307, 413
Philosophy of the Law Idea 44
photographs 133
photospheres 170, 225
physical aspect 35, 99–100, 287, 289, and in most tables
pistic aspect passim, 35, 57, 69, 73, 78, 99–100, 118, 297–8, 311–3, 359, and in most tables
planet earth 169
plants 48
Plato 12–2, 84
Pokemon Go (game) 3, 191
Polanyi, Michael 33, 43, 81–2, 161, 351
pornography 168, 205, 264
positivist approach (in research) 10, 39, 97, 99
possibility 43, 45, 68, 198, 239, 334, 336, 346, 388, 404, 412
post-adoption stage in ICT development 325, 330, 332
post-social aspects 190, 297, 311
power relations / structures 89, 97, 157, 169, 206, 276, 278–9, 311–3, 345, 358, 359
practice §1-2(5–8), 398–9, Table 12.1, 416
pragmatics 132
Pragmatism 25
Praxiteles' Hermes sculpture 75, 136
pre-theoretical attitude of thought 6–8, 30, 34, 51, 56, 377
prestige 270
PRINCE2 324, 357
privacy 264
production rules 352
Productivity Paradox 159, 195
profile of possibilities 244, 336, 338, 346
program (computer) §5-5(140–5), 320, 386
program code:
program errors 321, 333
program, self-modifying 142
programming 31, 319, 321–2, 336, §9-4(339–43)
programming languages 321–2, 325, 343
programming, amateur 163
progress 49, 102, 282–4, §8-6(303–8), 313, 379, 387, 412
project management 323–4, 336, 357–8, 388
project orchestration (ISD) 336, §9-7(356–61), 388
PROLOG (language) 352
promise of law 46, 77
properties (as aspects) 75
protocols 224, 244, §7-4.3(253–8), 387, 401, 405, 412
psychic aspect 35, 48, 49, 80–2, 131, 133, 144, 151, 175, 179, 190, 239, 306, 346, and in most tables, passim
psychology 61, 157, 167, 229
qualitative aspectual analysis 105–7
quantitative aspect 35, 49, 71, 73, 99–100, 190, 208, 234, 245, 303, and in most tables, passim
quantitative aspectual analysis 106–8
quantum wave functions 128
rationality 75, 77, 297
real life / world 6
real world 185
recipient (of information) 129–30, Table 5.2
reducibility 72
reductionism 35, 68–9
reflective practice 101
Reformational Philosophy 26, 44, 95
reification 84, 297, 301
relationships 75, 87–9, passim
religion 22, 42, 385
religious antithesis 41, 94
repercussions (aspectual) 46, 73, 77, 297
repercussions of ICT in use 159, 192, 335, 344, 400
repetitive strain injury 158
representation of knowledge see knowledge representation
Requirements Engineering and Management 343
research, suggestions for 43, 51, 52, 60, 73, 74, 97, 102, 107, 134, 135, 147, 150, 176, 190, 194–8, 200, 202–3, 206, 211, 238, 243, 253, 259, 288, 292, 296, 301, 303, 304, 346, 350, 356, 361, 363, 376, 416, Tables 12.2, 12.3, 12.4
resistance to ICT See non-use of ICT
respect for thinkers 95
responsibility 74, 205, 306, 308, 335, 339, 356, 388
responsibility in ICT/IS development 334–7, 388, 400, 406, 413
retrocipation 71, 200, 239, 244, 245, 252, 361–2, 374, 401
retrocipatory influence of later aspects 71–2, 129, 272, 296
revealment (technology) 116–9, 123, 304, 335
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) 180
Ricoeur, Paul 33, 45, 124, 176
right to be forgotten 132
Roget's Thesaurus 64
Runescape (game) 364
salaam see shalom
SatNavs 264
Scandinavian approach to IS 160
Scholasticism 39–40, 43–4, 53–4, 67, 115, 393
Schuurman, Egbert 284, 307–8, 385, 387
science 22, 27, 50, 60
scientific computing 173, 208
screen (computer, mobile) 137–8
search optimization 138
security authentication 252
self-critical reflection 57–8, 361
self-interest see ethical aspect
semantic net 325
semantics 132
semi-manufactured products 88
sense-making approaches (IS research) 327
service quality 165, 202
settings 181
shalom 83, 202, 294, 311–3, 380
Shalom Principle 83, 101, 183, 190, 203, 205, 209, 311–3, 338, 404, 410
signals 130
signification 128–9, 276
signification-meaning 32, 78, 128
Skype 360
social (societal) structures 97, 265, 277, §8-4.3(292–6)
social aspect 35, 48, 58, 80, 86, 99–100, 118, 129, 133, 160, 292, 298, 349, 358, and in most tables, passim
social construction of reality 97
Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) 273, 286, 288, 405
social constructivism 39, 226, 228
social media 156, 158, 264, 347, 403
social norms 73
social relationships 89
social science 61
Social Shaping of Technology (SST) 24, 274, 279, 286, 288, 308, 405
societal attitude 271–2
society 263, 299, passim
socio-critical approach / theory 10, 97–9, 169, 277–9, 286, 312, 393
socio-technical approach 123, 159–60, 196, 282, 313, 327, 410, 413
sociological paradigms 327
sociomateriality 227
Soft Systems Methodology / thinking 96, 98, 162, 197, 346, 348
software §5-5(140–5), 320, passim
software engineering 11, 319, 321–2, 333, 385, 394
software libraries 251–2, 320, 323, 342–3, 350, 387, 401, 405, 412
spatial aspect 35, 45–6, 180, 251, 303, and in most tables, passim
sphere of law see law-sphere; aspect
sphere of meaning(fulness) 34, 63, 68, 85, 213
sphere sovereignty 69
sphere universality 70
Spiral Model (Boehm) 324, 358
stakeholders (ICT development) 324, 336, 344, 349, 357–9
standards (interface) 181
starting-point (of thought) 30–7, 39–40, 55–6
Strijbos, Sytse 162, 305
Structuration Theory 24, 275–7, 285, 287, 297–9, 301, 312, 328, 406
structure and agency 276, 287, 312, 387
structures of individuality 86, 115
structures of signification, domination and legitimation 276, 298
subject-by-proxy 49, 77, 139, 143, 148, 239, 386, 411
subject-object conflation (dissolution) 46, 147, 151, 197, 231, 386
subject-object relationship §3-3.1(44–9), 57, 148, 160, 231, 239, 258, 375
subject-object relationship, Cartesian 258
subject-object-side of reality 45, 49, 66, 142, 191, 204, 297, 338
subject-side (of reality) see subject-object-side
subject-subject relationship 48, 136–8, 148–9, 239, 375
subjective meaning 78
subjective-objective 311–3, 327
subjectivism and objectivism 38–40
substance 46, 84–5, 145, 386
supervenience 72, 410
surveillance 266–8, 270–1, 287, 293, Table 8.2, 294, 311–3, 379, 387, 405
sustainability (environmental) 83, 382, 419
sustainable development 360
susveillance 267
Swannack, Karen 217
symbols 82, 128–32, 140, 145–6, 176, 222, 247, 322
symmetry between technological and human actants 163, 197, 227, 273
system maintenance see software, maintenance
system quality 165, 202
systematization (of life) 274, 285, 305, 311–3
Systemic Intervention 162, 197, 348
systems theory / thinking 38, 88, 162, 197, 274
target aspects 73, 209, 313, 350, 374, 415
Task-Technology Fit (TTF) 167, 203, 410
team working 357
technical artefact 155
technological determinism 226, 228, 273, 286–7, 405
technological progress 50
technology §5-2(115–23)
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 8, 164–5, 177, 200–2, 403
text, text-handling 255–8, 405
theology 39, 61, 297
theoretical attitude of thought 7–9, 50–2, 56, 144, 351
theoretical thinking / thought 6, §3-4(50–9), 381, passim
theorizing 8–11, 386
theory 6–8, 50, 55, 418–9
time 49, 72, 102, 391
timescales of aspect repercussions Table 3.5, 192, 300
trades union approaches (ISD) 327
transcendent critique 52
transcendental critique 52–4, 96, 393, 414
transcendental critique of theoretical thought §3-4.3(54–9), 60, 309, 351, 392
transformational government 269–70, 295
transmission protocols see protocols
trust 79, 267–8, 294
Turing Machine 114, 136
Turing Test 145
Twitter 292
Two-thirds World 196, 282
type laws 85, 115, 350
types of thing Table 3.7
Umwelt 89, 135, 262, §8-5(299–303), 311–3, 338, 375, 387
understanding (rather than heuristics) 352
URL removal tool (Google) 133
usefulness of ICT 164–6, 176, 200–3, 209, 402, 404, 410
user interface see interface
user participation 324, 344, 357
user requirements analysis 336, 343, 345, 388, 400
user satisfaction 165, 196, 202
user-friendliness 138
user-system-task 166–7, 203, 410
users 113, 154, 220, 336, passim
UTAUT 165, 403
veracity 176, 184–5, 209
Verkerk, Marten 116, 308
Viable Systems Model 162
virtual law-side §5-5.2(141–2), 185, 205, 247, 338, 386, 411–2
virtual learning environments 277
virtual reality 158, 184
virtual worlds 138, 141, 185, 209, 329–31, 354, 403, 411
voice input 158
Volkswagen 3, 14, 364, 398–9
Vollenhoven, Dirk Th. 40
Waterfall Model (ISD) 324, 327, 332, 358
Web 2.0 300
web development methodologies 331–3
websites 189, 332–3
Weltanschauung 97, 327, 349, 359
Western culture xiii, 14, 39–40, 161, 190, 263, 266, 271, 282, 305, 306, 412
Western philosophy 24–5, 39–40, 53–4
What is? 114
wholes see being; multi-aspectual being
wider picture see meaningfulness, wider
widespread impact of ICT 264–5, 286, 289–92, 306, 311, 378, 387, 405
Wikipedia xx, 138, 205, 332, 348
Willcocks, Leslie 24
Winch, Peter 57
Winfield, Mike 103–4
Winograd & Flores 24, 114, 158
wisdom 82, 174
Wood-Harper, Trevor 198, 322, 324, 327–8, 349, 357
work, workplace 159–60, 195, 209, 403
workarounds 244
world being studied 56, 59, 98, 296, 102, passim
world views 39, 291, 396
World Wide Web (WWW) 156, 257, 300, 304
Yahzee (game) 188, Table 6.3, 329
ZAngband (game) 142–3, 174, 176, 185–90, Table 6.3